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He gives up on his hope for getting rescued.

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The two sides of the island represent the duality of human nature, with one side symbolizing civilization and order (Ralph's side) and the other representing savagery and chaos (Jack's side). The division leads to a power struggle between Ralph and Jack, which ultimately hinders their chances of being rescued as they become more focused on survival and conflict rather than maintaining the signal fire and attracting passing ships.

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Q: In lord of the flies how do the two different sides of the island affect Ralph and hopes for rescue?
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How does the vastness of the ocean viewed from this side of the island affect Ralph's attitude of hope and rescue?

The ocean viewed from this side of the island is affected by Ralph's attitude of hope and rescue. When Ralph looks at the ocean from the cliff, he sees and wall of hope and rescue to which he cannot reach, he cannot go over. The wall is what he See's, to which he loses hope in rescue and survival.

How do the different sides of the island effect his hope of rescue?

One side of the island is uninhabitable due to its rough sea conditions. Boats are unlikely to be traveling past this side of the island due to its conditions and Ralph see's this.

How is Simon's view of the island different from Ralph's and jack's?

Simon sees the island as a place of beauty and peace, while Ralph focuses on practical matters of survival and rescue. Jack views the island as an opportunity for power and control. Simon's perspective is more connected to nature and spirituality, while Ralph and Jack are influenced by their desires for leadership and dominance.

What does Ralph represent?

Ralph represents rescue.

What is happening to Ralph for him to struggle to remember the fire of rescue?

Ralph is struggling to remember the fire of rescue because he is caught up in the chaos and savagery of the boys' society on the island in "Lord of the Flies". The boys have descended into madness and violence, making it difficult for Ralph to focus on the hope of being rescued.

How does jack tribe react to ralph's talk of rescue?

they laughed at him

What effort does Ralph say the boys should take to get rescued?

Ralph is able to persuade the other boys that they will be saved by sharing with them that his father is a navy captain. He tells them that the queen has a room with maps that show every island in the world.

What does Ralph urge them to concentrate on instead?

Ralph urges them to focus on building shelters and maintaining a signal fire to increase their chances of rescue. He emphasizes the importance of staying organized and rational in order to survive on the island.

What does Ralph long for in the lord of the files?

Ralph longs for cooperation, order, and rescue in "Lord of the Flies." He desires to maintain a sense of civilization and rules on the island, ultimately seeking to be rescued and return to the safety of the adult world.

What has Ralph fixed his mind on in lord of the flies?

Ralph is focused on being rescued and maintaining order and civilization on the island in "Lord of the Flies." He believes in teamwork and following rules to ensure the group's safety and chance of rescue.

What is ralphs plan for rescue?

Ralph's plan for rescue involves building a signal fire on the island to attract passing ships and planes. He also suggests using the boys' glasses to start the fire, as they can create sparks. Additionally, Ralph emphasizes the importance of keeping the fire going to maintain the signal for as long as possible.

What event is foreshadowed when Simon tells Ralph just think you'll get back all right?

Simon's statement foreshadows Ralph's eventual rescue and return home from the deserted island. It suggests that despite the challenges and dangers they face, Ralph will ultimately make it out of the situation safely.