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Ralph's adrenaline and intense emotions likely masked the pain of his physical injury as he was focused on the situation at hand. Additionally, the psychological stress and fear he was experiencing may have also dulled his sensation of pain in that moment.

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Q: In lord of the flies why didn't Ralph feel pain when he struck the skin off his knuckles?
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Why doesn't Ralph feel pain when he knocks the skin off his knuckles in Lord of the Flies?

This can be taken in a couple ways. First off, it may have just seemed like a small cut so it did not bother Ralph. However, the more inferential meaning could be that he was so frustrated with the boys for throwing rocks in the water, that he was not focusing on the pain of his knuckles, but rather the annoyance that Jack and the boys were causing. Hope that helps :)

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Ralph Macchio, Ralph Fiennes, Ralph Nader, Ralph Lauren and the character Ralph from the book Lord of the Flies.

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