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Yes, the age of consent is 17 there.

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Q: In missouri an a 17 yr old have sexual intercousre with some of the age of 22?
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Age of Sexual concent in Missouri?

The age of sexual consent in Missouri is 17. If one over the age of 17 engages in a sexual act with one below 17, it is considered against the law.

What is the legal age limits of dating in Missouri?

In Missouri, the legal age of consent for dating is 16. However, individuals under the age of 18 are considered minors and may face restrictions on certain activities unless they have parental consent. It is important to note that engaging in sexual activities with minors under the age of 17 can lead to statutory rape charges in Missouri.

What legal age for girls to date in Missouri?

We have changed the entry in our chart to reflect the confusion in Missouri. We are able to document the age of consent as 17 provided one person if over 21. We can't document anything in which both parties are over 14 but less than 17. There is a huge gray area for those between the ages 14 and 20. I have talked to local law enforcement and some county prosecutors about these statutes and how they prosecute with them. The general consensus has seemed to be that 14 is legal for a 20 year old, but once you turn 21 it jumps to 17. It's really not clearly defined in the statutes though.

Do you have to be a certain age to finger some one?

Any form of sexual contact is illegal if the partner is under the legal age of sexual consent.

Can a 14 year old work in the state of Missouri?

Yes. There are no "dating laws" that would prevent this. However, there are laws regarding sexual contact. The age of consent in Missouri is 17. According to Missouri law, a person cannot subject another person who is less than 17 years old to "sexual contact". Sexual contact is defined in Missouri as "any touching of another person with the genitals or any touching of the genitals or anus of another person, or the breast of a female person, or such touching through the clothing, for the purpose of arousing or gratifying sexual desire of any person". If sexual contact happens, it is considered Second Degree Child Molestation. So, as long as no sexual contact happens, then you should be just fine to "date"!

What is the median age of Missouri?

The median age in Missouri is around 38 years old.

What is the legal age of concent to date a minor?

There is not one, the age would be established by the minors parents or guardian, however ther is an age of consent for sexual activity and that is not the same as dating. The age of consent in most areas is 16 but some are 17 and 18. Likewise some areas the age for sexual consent is 14 so the age of consent only relates to sexual activity and not dating. Where you are matters for an accurate age.

If you are 15-years-old and your unborn baby's father is 18-years-old can he go to jail in the state of Missouri?

There could be criminal charge. The age of consent to sexual acts in Missouri is 17, so she is well under age. With only a three year difference in ages, he might get lessor charges.

What is the legal age for automatic child emancipation in the state of Missouri?

The age of majority is 18 in Missouri.

What is the minimum age to rent a car in Missouri?

what is tha minimum age to rent a car in Missouri

18 year old boy dating minor girl Missouri?

Missouri, like every other state has no laws in effect about dating. There are laws regarding children having sexual contact. Those laws can be enforced based on the age differences between the parties. If they are over the age of consent, the age difference doesn't matter.

What is the age of sexual consent in Afghanistan?

16 but there are limits some of which are very hard to follow.