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What ever note that is a major second interval below the starting note of the scale.

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Q: In music there is the whole tone musical scale the sixth note is?
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How is a minor scale formed?

To turn a major scale to natural minor, lower the third, sixth, and seventh scale tones a half step. To create a natural minor scale from scratch, it is: whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step. A harmonic minor scale has a seventh raised by a half step above a natural minor scale. A melodic minor scale has a sixth and a seventh raised by a half step above a natural minor scale.

In music there is the whole tone musical scale what is the 6th note?

The whole tone scale is made up of exactly what it sounds like, a series of notes each a whole tone away from the other. Starting on F, a whole tone scale would consist of (1)F (2)G (3)A (4)B (5)C#/Db (6)D#/Eb, which would then finish with (7)F, right back where it started. So the sixth note (D#/Eb) is the interval of a minor 7th, or 10 semitones, away.

Where is the interval of a step and a half found in the harmonic minor scale?

In a harmonic minor scale, the sixth of the scale is raised, so the step and a half is found between the fifth and sixth of the harmonic minor scale because normally, there is a whole step between the fifth and sixth of a minor scale. Raising the sixth adds another half step, so you get the step and a half.

What is The interval between the fifth and sixth notes of a major scale?

One whole step.

What is the whole tone musical scale?

It is a scale made up exclusively of whole steps, as distinct from the standard western diatonic scale that is built upon the structure whole-whole-half-whole-whole-whole-half. For example, starting at E flat, the notes of a whole tone scale would be E flat, F, G, A, B, D flat.

What is the third note in musical scale?

I think you mean E if you are talking about a whole tone scale. There are many musical scales!

What is the 6th note in the whole tone musical scale?

It depends on what you choose at the root note or the tonic of the scale. If you choose C for example, the scale is C-D-E♭-F-G-A♭-B♭ and A is the sixth note. Whereas if you choose A as the tonic, the scale is A-B-C#-D-E-F#-G# and F# is the sixth note. If you're assigning each note a syllable, the sixth note is la.

Different kinds of rest in music?

In Western music, whole-, half-, quarter-, and eighth-rests are the most common.

What is a seminote?

A seminote, frequently called a semitone is the equivalent of a half-step in a musical scale. There are six whole tones, or steps in every scale, and consequently, 12 half tones/steps.

What is the definition of a major scale in music?

A major scale is represented with intervals of whole steps between each note except for mi & fa, and ti & do.

How many sixth are in one whole and five sixth?

11 of them.

How many steps are in a major scale?

There are eight notes (steps) in a major musical scale. If whole steps are tones and half steps are semitones, then the order is tone, tone, semitone, tone, tone, tone, semitone.