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They must help the organism in it'senvironmentso it may survive andreproduceand pass the trait down. If the trait is undesirable or useless the trait is selected against. Like if the desert was covered in snow, and all the 'prey' animals were out and wondering around. They can see if a 'predator' is coming, because of their orange-light brown color cause it doesn't blend in with the surrounding it isn't goodcamouflage.

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It is a mechanism by which individuals that have inherited the beneficial adaptations that produce more offspring on average than do other individuals.

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Q: In natural selection what must be true in traits that are passed down through generations?
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What are some natural selection for deer?

Natural selection will see to it that genes from the strongest and more fertile bucks and does are passed down susequent generations.

What are the pressures of natural selection?

Everything from available food to climate will cause the changes we see in natural selection. Random mutations occur constantly and when those mutations are beneficial for life, the genetic code is more likely to be passed on to future generations.

Why did artificial selection interest Darwin?

Artificial selection interested Darwin because it demonstrated that traits could be modified over generations through selective breeding. This process allowed humans to intentionally choose which traits were passed on to offspring, leading Darwin to realize that a similar natural process could occur in nature, driving evolution through natural selection.

The development of these adaptations can best be explained by the concept of?

The development of these adaptations can best be explained by the concept of natural selection, where advantageous traits increase an organism's chances of survival and reproduction. Over time, these traits become more common in a population as they are passed down through generations, leading to the evolution of specific adaptations.

How would any changes in a mammal be passed on from generation to generation?

Through DNA, Genetics and Natural Selection.

Explain the difference between artificial and natural selection?

Artificial selection is anthropogenic -- humans interfere with nature to determine what traits get passed on, whereas natural selection is when through sexual reproduction the traits passed on are determined by survival of the fittest.

Why is natural selection the process responsible for evolution?

Well, it's part of the weakest link theory. Natural selection weeds out those who are not fit to carry on their genes. Only the best genes are passed onto further generations, leading to a more widely developed population.

What must be of traits that are passed down through generations?

Traits that are passed down through the generations must be either culturally or environmentally inculcated or genetically inherited (or some combination of these). Evolutionary Biology concerns itself with genetically inherited traits. In the long term, for genetically inherited traits to continue to be passed down through the generations, they must be at least neutral with regard to reproductive fitness, or advantageous (i.e. they must not be subject to negative selection pressure)

What must be true of traits that are passed down through generations?

Traits that are passed down through the generations must be either culturally or environmentally inculcated or genetically inherited (or some combination of these). Evolutionary biology concerns itself with genetically inherited traits. In the long term, for genetically inherited traits to continue to be passed down through the generations, they must be at least neutral with regard to reproductive fitness, or advantageous (i.e. they must not be subject to negative selection pressure)

Why are stronger traits passed down to offspring?

So that the offspring have a better chance of survival. these traits are often chosen through natural selection.

How does natural selection enhance or reduce the variability of a species?

Natural selection doesn't reduce variation. Variation is regulated by the rate of mutation.Natural selection reduces the chance of bad variation from being passed on and increases the chances for good variation to be passed on.

What kind of behaviors do organism inherit from their parents?

Organisms inherit instincts from their parents. Instincts are natural behaviors that are passed down through generations as opposed to learned behaviors.