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Yes it does. Without variance in the organisms genome, that gives variance to the phenotype, there would be nothing for natural selection to select from.

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Yes; natural selection can only act on traits that are passed on from parent to offspring.

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Q: Is inheritance a requirement for natural selection?
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Does inheritance of acquired characteristics express the concept of natural selection?

No. Natural selection is the differential reproductive success of varying inherited traits. Acquired traits do little to affect the inheritance of traits, except through epigenetics.

Process by which organisms acquire and pass on novel traits through generations?

evolution or natural selection

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Natural Selection is different from Selective Breeding beacuse the environment controls the traits the animal or plant gets. Selective Breeding is the traits desired are the ones bred

What is a requirement for evolutionary changes to occur through natural selection?

Evolution occurs through natural selection via survival of the fittest. This means that those organisms that are most well adapted to the environment will survive and pass on their genes.

When Darwin published his theory of natural selection in 1859 he could not explain how traits were passed on to offspring what helped complete Darwin's theory of natural selection?

The discovery of discrete inheritance by Gregor Mendel. This genetic finding was combined with evolutionary findings to form the modern evolutionary synthesis that is still, with modification, the theory of evolution by natural selection today.

How did both Darwin and Wallace fail to understand natural selection?

Both failed to understand the mechanism of inheritance. Darwin had a mistake " blending " idea and Wallace seemed to go along with this concept, though inheritance is particulate.

What is the name for the process in which the organisms best adapted to their environment survive?

Its NaTuRaL sElEcTiOn if you didn't know.

In one form of an inheritance scam described in the selection?

What selection? Question needs rephrasing.

How does Mendel theory of inheritance support Darwins theory of natural selection?

By giving the theory a mechanism of inheritance. Particulate inheritance, where each parent contributes chromosomes ( Mendel dod not know what a chromosome was and called genes " factors " ) that contain separate alleles that contribute to the progeny's traits. Darwin's idea of " blending " inheritance was completely wrong.

What process in which organisims with traits well suited to an environment are more likely to survive and to produce offspring is?

natural selection

Adaptation which allows for natural selection is called?

Adaptation does not allow for natural selection: natural selection causes adaptation.

How does genetic variation support Natural Selection?

Genetic variation in itself does not 'support' natural selection: it is what natural selection acts upon.