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the mRNA which is then turned into cDNA which can be cloned in PCR

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Q: In order for a bacterium to produce a eukaryotic protein what must first be isolated from the cell prior to cloning?
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Why use a streak plate to grow a bacterium?

You do a streak plate in order to get isolated colonies. If you inoculate into a slant, you have less surface area to work and less chance of getting isolated colonies. In broth, you'll definitely get growth but you won't know WHAT is growing. You go back into each quadrant (a little) with your loop in order to "dilute" the bacteria and get colonies. Quadrant 1 is pretty think (like a smear on the plate) but by the time you get to Quadrants 3 and 4, you should see more defined colonies and not just a film of bacteria.

Gene cloning is an efficient way to produce many copies of a specific DNA sequence?


What ten reasons why cloning is good?

Cloning can help in studying and treating genetic diseases. It can aid in preserving endangered species by creating genetically identical individuals. Cloning can be used in agriculture to produce crops with desired traits. It offers a way to create genetically modified organisms for various purposes. Cloning can serve as a tool for regenerative medicine and tissue replacement. It provides insights into understanding development and cell behavior. Cloning can potentially produce organs for transplantation. It allows for the study of genetic diversity and its impact on traits. Cloning can contribute to advancements in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. It provides a method for replicating valuable research animals.

How does a strictly fermentative bacterium produce energy?

Strictly fermentative bacteria produce ATP, but only through glycolysis.

What will a bacterium produce when a human gene is added to its genome?

the human protein coded for by the human gene

Related questions

What are some problems that might arise if you are trying to produce a eukaryotic protein in a bacterium?

proteins are expressed differently in prokaryotes and eukaryotes

What is Cloning to produce embryonic stem cells?

therapeutic cloning

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What is cloning to produce embryonic stem cells called?

Cloning to produce embryonic stem cells is called therapeutic cloning. This process involves creating a clone of a donorโ€™s cells to generate embryonic stem cells that can be used for medical research and potential treatments.

What are ribosome produce in a eukaryotic cell?

The ribosomes produce proteins.

Can isolated Thunderstorms produce Tornadoes?

Yes. That a thunderstorm is isolated does not mean it is not strong enough to produce a tornado.

What organism produce botox?

The bacterium Clostridium botulinum.

How is the cloning of genes different from the cloning mammals?

The difference between cloning genes and cloning a mammal is that when a gene is cloned, it is typically removed from a DNA sequence and inserted into an organism. The cloning of a mammal, however, is when a somatic cells from the mammal are cloned to produce a "copy" of the mammal.

Can bacterium produce their own food?

a few can, most cant

What The cloning steps used to produce new plants are?

What technique is used to produce identical tomato plants

What organelle produce energy in eukaryotic cells?

The organelle that produces energy in eukaryotic cells is the mitochondrion. It is often referred to as the powerhouse of the cell because it generates the majority of the cell's ATP, which is the primary source of energy for cellular processes.

What cell organelles produce energy in eukaryotic cells?

The Mitochondria