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Assuming it is a two section ladder then it must therefore have a minimum length of 28 feet.

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Q: In order to reach a roof that's located 24 feet above the ground the ladder used must extend to a height of at least?
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Was the difference between height and slant height?

Lean a ladder against a wall. Not too steep . . . Give it a nice angle, for safe climbing. The height is the distance between the ground and the place where it hits the wall. The slant height is the length of the ladder.

A 32 foot extension ladder is leaning against a building making an angle of elevation of 80 degrees how high up the side of the building does the ladder extend?


If A ladder leaning against a wall makes a 60 angle with the ground the base of the ladder is 3 m from the building how high above the ground is the top of the ladder?

This answer uses trigonometry to avoid a lot of work:tangent = opposite/adjacent and tangent*adjacent (base of ladder from the building) = opposite (height of ladder above ground)So: tangent 60 degrees*3 = 5.196152423Therefore: Top of the ladder above ground = 5.2 meters correct to one decimal place.More laborious methodThe right triangle formed by the wall, ground and ladder has sides in the ratio of 1::2::sq-rt-of-3. The shortest side is the one opposite the 30 degree angle, i.e., the given distance from wall to base of the ladder--3 m.The length of the ladder represents the hypotenuse of the triangle, and is twice as long, hence 6 m.And the height of the ladder's top from the ground is proportional to the third side whose length is sq-rt-3 times that of the shortest side. Sq-rt-3 is about 1.732, so height of the ladder's top at the wall is about 5.20 m, or 520 cm.

A 40 foot ladder is placed against a building the ladder forms a 75 degree angle with the ground How high up the building does the ladder reach?


A window sill is 12 feet above the ground How far must a ladder extend to reach the sill if the foot of the ladder is 5 feet from the building?


A 13 foot ladder is leaning against the top of a wall so that the base is 5 feet from the base of the wall What is the height of the wall from the ground?


What is the answer.In this picture the dotted line represents a ladder. How high on the house does the ladder reach?

It appears to be a question that involves Pythagoras' theorem of a right angle triangle whereas the dotted line represents the hypotenuse and without any relevant information the height of the ladder from the ground can't be worked out.

How far should a ladder extend above the roof?

1 metres

When a painter leans a 20 foot ladder against a building the base of the ladder is 12 feet from the building to the nearest foot how high on the building does the ladder go?


A 30 foot ladder leaning against the side of a house makes a 70 degrees 5' angle with the ground how far up the side of the house does the ladder reach?

Round the base angle to 70 degrees and use the sine ratio: 30*sine 70 degrees = 28.19077862 feet Height of ladder from the ground = 28 feet to 2 s.f.

A 10-m ladder is leaning against a building The bottom of the ladder is 5 m from the building. how high is the top of the ladder?

Its pythagoras: 102 - 52 = vertical height2. So 100-25 = vertical height2. Then the square root of 75 must = vertical height. Which makes the top of the ladder 8.66 feet (8ft 8 inches) from the ground.

How far must a ladder extend beyond the surface that is being accessed?
