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1.Mercury 2.venus

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Q: In order what are the planets near the sun?
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Related questions

How are planets near the sun different from the planets father away?

Because planets near the sun are more hotter

What is A nickname for four planets near the sun?

The term "Inner Planets" is often used as a nickname for the four planets closest to the sun in our solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

What order do the outer planets occur from the sun?

The order of the outer planets, from closet to the sun to furthest away from the sun, is Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, then Neptune.

What other planets are located near venus?

earth, and mercury are closest. planets in order: sun mercury, venus, earth, mars, Jupiter, Saturn, uranus, neptune Pluto

The planets you passes before getting to the sun?

The order of the planets, from the Earth to the Sun, are: Venus, then Mercury.

What did the planets near the sun lose because of the sun's temperature?

All their hydrogen and helium.

Is sun surrounded by the planets?

Our Sun is mostly surrounded by space; but planets in the solar system do orbit the Sun (or more correctly, a common center of gravity near the Sun), so in a loose sense planets are around the Sun or move around it.

What are the planets in order smallest to largest?

sun is the

How do the planets go in order from the sun?

A lot?

Why are some planets near the sun and some others far from the sun?

Near (in order from closest to farthest): Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars Far (same order as before): Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Why? I suppose that's just how things worked out when the planets formed from the "protoplanetary disk". The planets have to be spaced apart enough to form stable orbits. Otherwise their mutual gravitational attraction could disrupt their orbits.

What will happen if your universe electrically charged?

the planets will have same charge where sun will bhi oppositly charged .. the attraction between planets n sun will be increased due to which the galaxy will end . because the planets come near to sun and planets will be destroyed

What do fifth graders do in science?

Learn the planets and the moons of the planets and the order of planets from the sun down and what the climate of the planets are