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Because in order to be yellow the only 2 alleles you can have are the 2 recesisve ones, therefore you will always have yellow

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Q: In pea plants green pod color is controlled by a dominant allele Yellow is controlled by a recessive allele Explain why a plant with yellow pods can never be a hybrid?
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Why a plant with yellow pods can never be a hybrid?

Yellow pods are a recessive trait and for this type of trait to show in the phenotype, both alleles have to be recessive. If there was a recessive allele (yellow) and a dominant allele(green) as it shows in hybrid pods, then the dominant allele would be the one shown and the pod would be green.

Is a red golden retriver dominant or recessive?

In golden retrievers, red is recessive to yellow.

What type dominance do pea plants show?

The recessiive trait one is 50%,dominant is 75% or above.

Name 7 characteristics giving both dominant and recessive forms of the pea plants in mendels experiments?

Height - tall (dominant) vs. short (recessive) Flower position - axial (dominant) vs. terminal (recessive) Seed color - yellow (dominant) vs. green (recessive) Seed shape - round (dominant) vs. wrinkled (recessive) Pod color - green (dominant) vs. yellow (recessive) Pod shape - inflated (dominant) vs. constricted (recessive) Flower color - purple (dominant) vs. white (recessive)

If a pea plant has a recessive allele for green peas it will produce?

green peas if it does not also have a dominant allele for yellow peas.

What are the genotypes of the parental dogs one is black the other is brown who have ONLY black or yellow puppies. Explain how you determined their genotypes.?

BBEe and bbEe. Black is dominant, and brown is recessive. Yellow is also recessive. Because one parent is brown, for none of the puppies to also be brown the black parent cannot carry the recessive allele on the B locus. Because neither parent is yellow but some of the puppies are, both parents must carry the recessive allele on the E locus.

Explain how dominant and recessive alleles for the trait of stem height determine whether a pea plant will be tall or short?

Depends, Wether The Type Of Seeds or if the dominanat gene/ trait is tall then the pea plant is going to be tall because if the recessive gene is small the dominant one takes over it so tall pea plants will grow

What is the genotype of a plant that produces green peas. Yellow peas are dominant?

two recessive alleles gg

What are the 5 of the 7 traits that can be studied in pea plants?

it is like a process

What is the kind of trait that seemed to vanish in the offspring produces in Mendel's first experiment?

Mendel's experiments showed the characteristics of genes that express complete dominance--that is, traits where one allele is completely dominant over another, and the recessive allele does not appear in the phenotype at all. Some of the specific traits that Mendel was testing include pea color (yellow or green, with green being completely dominant) pea surface texture (wrinkled or smooth, with smooth being dominant) and flower color (pink and white, with pink being dominant.)

If a white-fruited squash plant is crossed with a yellow-fruited plant why would all of the offspring be white-fruited?

becoz the expression for a white-coloured allele is dominant while that for a yellow-coloured is recessive.

What are dominant and recessive genes?

A dominant gene- A gene That is "stronger" than a recessive geneA recessive gene- A gene that must have 2 of the same to have that look.ex: A gene for being tall=T (CAPITAL T)A gene for being short=t(lowercase t)TT=TallTt=talltt=shortThe GENES WHICH ARE EXPRESSED IN THE PROGENY ARE CALLED DOMINANT AND WHICH DO NOT EXPRESS ARE CALLED RECESSIVE