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Q: In physics what is the product of the force applied and the distance moved in the direction of the force?
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Is product of force times distance?

Force times distance is called "Work" for the purposes of physics.

How is distance and direction affect work?

Work is the product of force and distance, or w = F x d. Now, theoretically, if you push an object 100 yards to the east, and then turn it around and push it 100 yards back to the staring point, you did NO work, because distance has a vector component. But, if you just push it in one direction only, the work done will be the product of the force applied times the distance moved.

By definition work is a force that's applied over a specific?

Work - or energy transferred is the product of force and the distance that the object moves in the direction of the force. I just ate poo

In science work is defined as?

Work can be understood as a transfer of mechanical energy. It is defined as the product of force x distance (if a force is applied over a certain distance); this only applies if force is in the same direction as the movement, and if the force doesn't change. Otherwise, the more precise definition is the integral of: (dot product of force times distance).

What does the scientific word work mean?

in physics, it means the product of a force times a distance, which is an energy.

When you use cross product and dot product in vector?

Dot product and cross product are used in many cases in physics. Here are some examples:Work is sometimes defined as force times distance. However, if the force is not applied in the direction of the movement, the dot product should be used. Note that here - as well as in other cases where the dot product is used - the product is greatest when the angle is zero; also, the result is a scalar, not a vector.The cross product is used to define torque (distance from the axis of rotation, times force). In this case, the product is greatest when the two vectors are at right angles. Also - as in any cross product - the result is also a vector.Several interactions between electricity and magnetism are defined as cross products.

How do i calculate work?

Work, in physics, is defined as the product of force x distance. This assumes that the force is constant, and that it is in the same direction as the movement. Otherwise, a slightly more complicated formula is used: integral of (force dot-product ds), where ds is a short amount of movement.

What Is the measure of the force that is applied over a distance?

The product of the force and the distance is called "work". It is equivalent to a transfer of mechanical energy.

What is the physical science definition for work?

The product of distance and the force in the direction an object moves.

The product of force and displacement is?

Work - or energy transferred is the product of force and the distance that the object moves in the direction of the force.

Work is the product of force and an object's what?

Yes. A force acting on a body in the direction of its motion does work. The formula for work is W = F x d, where force(F) is in Newtons, distance(d) is in meters, and work(W) is in Newton*meters(N*m), or Joules(J). (1N*m = 1J) A force acting on a body in the opposite direction to its motion does "negative work". It causes the moving body to slow down, the moving body loses kinetic energy, and that energy is absorbed by the source of the force. Mathematically, the force and the distance it moves through have opposite directions, so the product of (force) x (distance) is a negative number: negative work.

What is the term work?

Work (scalar quantity in physics)"The transfer of energy from one physical system to another, especially the transfer of energy to a body by the application of a force that moves the body in the direction of the force. It is calculated as the product of the force and the distance through which the body moves and is expressed in joules, ergs, and foot-pounds."The formulas for computing work are W = f * d or W = P * tWork = Force applied * distance travelled. Work = Power * Time appliedThe SI unit is the joule (kg-m2 /sec2 ), equivalent to 1 x 107 ergs.See related question for more information.