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Q: In plants glucose is converted to cellulose and in human muscle cells glucose is converted to glycogen. These processes are examples of which life activity?
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Are cellulose molecules examples of synthetic polymers?

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Formation of glycogen by the liver cell?

The formation of glycogen by the liver cell is one of the best examples of anabolic processes. This is a process through which glucose is converted into glycogen.

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Examples: starch, cellulose, glycogen.

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Examples: starch, cellulose, glycogen.

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There are several examples of polysaccharides. A few examples are cellulose, glycogen, and starch. All are very important substances.

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Examples: lignin, cellulose, bran, skins of many fruits and vegetables, etc.

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Examples of technology as processes include power generation, gas production, quantum computing, and cloud computing.

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