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1mo ago

In poetry, words that appeal to the senses create imagery. This imagery helps to bring a poem to life by engaging the reader's senses and emotions, making the writing more vivid and impactful. Words that evoke sensations like sight, sound, taste, touch, or smell can create a powerful sensory experience for the reader.

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In poetry words that appeal to the senses create what is called?

In poetry, words that appeal to the senses create imagery. This allows the reader to visualize and experience the poem more vividly through the use of descriptive language that evokes sensations such as sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell.

What is Words or phrases that appeal to one or more of the 5 senses poets often paint images or word pictures that also appeal to your senses?

Words or phrases that appeal to the senses are known as imagery. Poets use imagery to create vivid mental pictures by appealing to the senses of sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. This helps readers to experience the poem more deeply and emotionally.

What is an example of style in poetry?

An example of style in poetry is the use of imagery to create vivid mental pictures for the reader. This could include using sensory language to appeal to the senses, such as describing the taste of an apple or the feel of a soft breeze. By utilizing imagery in this way, the poet enhances the reader's experience and adds depth to the poem.

Should a speaker used to appeal to the five senses of the audience?

The author should use descriptive language to appeal to the five senses of the audience.

What should a speaker use to appeal to the five senses of the audience?

The author should use descriptive language to appeal to the five senses of the audience.

What is a word or phrase that appeals to the senses?

Aesthetics is the branch of study dealing with things that appeal to the senses. Sense words are words that appeal to senses. Imagery is the use of word or phrases that relay sensory information in prose.

What does imagery appeal to the senses mean?

imagery:words that appeal to our senses. using your '' mind's eye'' to visualize an example would be......................................... puckered lips wrinkled-face winking-eyes

Which senses does the description of the drum in Ghana appeal to?

hearing and sight

Words that appeal to the five senses?


What is sensory language in poetry?

Sensory language is when the author uses words and details that appeal to a reader's senses (sight, touch, taste, hearing, smell, emotion). Also transmitting impulses from sense organs to nerve centers; afferent.

Whats the word that defines visual descriptions that appeal to the senses?


What are things that writers try to appeal to when they are writing?

Writers often try to appeal to readers' emotions, intellect, and senses when they are writing. They aim to create a connection with the audience by evoking empathy, sparking thought, and engaging the imagination.