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they are Continent sized slab of the earths crust and upper mantle.

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Q: In science what are breaks between plates known as?
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Breaks between plates are known as what?

fault lines

Can tectonic plates known as crustle plates?

Yes, tectonic plates are also known as crustal plates.

What are two plates moving away known as?

Divergent plates

Does a baby have less bones than when it is a child?

Babies and children have what are known as 'growth plates' between their bones. As the child grows, the bones will eventually fuse together where the growth plates once were.

When plates move under one another it is known as?

Subduction Plates

The place where plates come together is known as?

When two plates come together it's known as the Convergent Boundry

When plates move apart it is known as what?

it is known as a earthquake

What do you call the pieces of the Earth's crust?

The different pieces that the Earth's crust is broken into are known as tectonic plates.

Do transform plates move together or apart?

Transform plates are also known as "Spreading Plates." Therefore, they spread apart

What is a set of cracks that forms when two tectonic plates are pulling away from each other known as?

Divergent Plate Boundary. A Rift Valley forms between the two plates.

The movement of these can reshape the earth?

The Earth's crust, known as the lithosphere, is broken into segments known as plates. The movement of the plates over the asthenosphere causes the plates to change position altering Earth's surface.

On what factors capacitance of a capacitor depends on?

The job of a capacitor is to store charge onto its plates. The amount of electrical charge that a capacitor can store on its plates is known as its Capacitance value and depends upon three main factors.The surface area, A of the two conductive plates which make up the capacitor, the larger the area the greater the capacitance.The distance, d between the two plates, the smaller the distance the greater the capacitance.The type of material which separates the two plates called the "dielectric", the higher the permittivity of the dielectric the greater the capacitance.