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it causes earthquakes!

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Q: What happens when two plates are moving horizontally past each other?
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What tectonic plates move alongside each other?

Transform. Transform boundaries are when two plates are moving horizontally past each other, neither destroying or creating crust. Just moving, minding their own business.

When two plates diverge what happens?

The tectonic plates are moving apart from each other. The gap created by plates that are moving away from each other is filled in by new crust, created from the solidification of lava which is derived from the decompression melting of rising mantle rock.

When plates move horizontally past each other?

rift zone

Are the pacific plates and the antarctic plates moving towards each other or away from each other or past each other?

the plates are moving away from each other.

What happens on a divergent plate boundary?

the two plates are moving away from each other, and new crust is formed.

What is a strike slip boundary?

A strike-slip boundary is when two plates move in two opposite directions from each other in a vertical fashion. For example, this line: | and this line | would be touching each other, and moving in opposite directions.Source: Eighth Grade Science

When two geologic plates are moving away from each other what happens?

When it is two continental plates, new oceanic crust is formed, and when this continues, more oceanic crust is formed between the plates.

What do tectonic plates do at transform plate boundaries?

They slide past each other horizontally.

When two tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally it usually causes?


The place where two tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally?

transform boundary

The type of boundary where two plates slide horizontally past each other?


What are the different movements of crust?

seafloor spreading occurs when oceans widen and continents separate.convergent plate movements occurs when two plates collide toward each other.divergent plate movement is the moving away of plates from each other.transform plate movement occurs when two plates are sliding horizontally with each other.:)