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im not sure but ive got the egsact same question from my teacher miss cain, the little goody ratty greasy thing, erghhh, m i n g e r.

Ok, an atom is supposedly the smallest indivisible unit( at least in basic chemistry)

Now an atom is composed of 3 baser particles, Protons, Neutrons and electrons.

The Proton's are significant, since this is the particle that gives the atomic number to an element in the Periodic Table. It is also how a chemist defines an element. So for example 1 proton, is the atomic number 1, is the first element on the periodic table, and it is Hydrogen. Hydrogen uses the chemical symbol H

Second example 8 protons, is the atomic number 8, and is the 8th element on the periodic table, Oxygen is it's name. Oxygen uses the chemical symbol O.

Now for the formulae, H2O, is the chemical formula for Water, and the H stands for Hydrogen. The "2" symbolizes that you have 2 components (or atoms) of Hydrogen and the O stands for Oxygen. There is only one atom of Oxygen so it is just understood that with no number attached to the formula, that there is only the one atom.

So the formula H2O shows the elements that are combined to represent the water molecule. This allows a chemist who is trained to read the formula to easily understand the composition of the elements that make up the molecule.

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Chemical formulas represent the elements and the number of atoms of each element in a compound. The elements are represented by their symbols, and the number of atoms is indicated by subscripts. This provides information on the ratio of elements in the compound.

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Q: In terms of elements and atoms what do chemical formulae show?
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How are atoms of different elements similar and how are they different?

Atoms of different elements are similar in that they all contain protons, neutrons, and electrons. However, they are different in terms of their atomic number (number of protons), atomic mass (sum of protons and neutrons), and electron configuration, which determines their chemical properties.

What is a substance in scientific terms?

In scientific terms, a substance is a type of matter that has constant chemical composition and distinct properties. Substances can be either elements (made up of one type of atom) or compounds (made up of different types of atoms bonded together).

What did john dolton do for atoms?

John Dalton developed the atomic theory, which proposed that all matter is composed of tiny, indivisible particles called atoms. He also introduced the concept of atomic mass and explained chemical reactions in terms of atoms combining and rearranging. His work laid the foundation for modern chemistry.

What characteristics do metalloid elements share with metal and non metal elements?

Metalloid elements share characteristics with both metals and nonmetals. Like metals, metalloids can conduct electricity and have shiny appearances. However, like nonmetals, metalloids are typically brittle and can behave as semiconductors in terms of their electrical conductivity.

What information is given by the formula of an ionic compound?

The formula of an ionic compound shows the ratio of ions present in the compound. It indicates the types and numbers of atoms involved in forming the compound. The formula does not provide information on the structure or arrangement of the ions within the compound.

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A chemical reaction is a reaction in which elements have their chemical and/or physical properties altered by the end of the reaction.

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Atoms of different elements are similar in that they all contain protons, neutrons, and electrons. However, they are different in terms of their atomic number (number of protons), atomic mass (sum of protons and neutrons), and electron configuration, which determines their chemical properties.

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In scientific terms, a substance is a type of matter that has constant chemical composition and distinct properties. Substances can be either elements (made up of one type of atom) or compounds (made up of different types of atoms bonded together).

What did john dolton do for atoms?

John Dalton developed the atomic theory, which proposed that all matter is composed of tiny, indivisible particles called atoms. He also introduced the concept of atomic mass and explained chemical reactions in terms of atoms combining and rearranging. His work laid the foundation for modern chemistry.