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The Earth spins at a hair under 15 degrees per hour, west to east. The stars don't move, but WE do. When you sit out on your porch on a summer night and watch the stars, they appear to move at 15 degrees per hour east to west.

The Moon is also moving west-to-east, at about 0.5 degrees per hour. That's too slow for you to actually NOTICE the movement from hour to hour, but that's 12 degrees per night, which IS enough to notice. If you look at the Moon tonight and note the locations of the nearby stars, then tomorrow night you'll see that the Moon is about 12 degrees east of the previous night's position. Each night, the Moon rises about 45 minutes LATER than the evening before.

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Q: In terms of what you would actually observe What does it mean that the moon apparently moves eastward among the stars?
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