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Q: In the 1760s American colonists responded to Parliament and taxes in several ways. Which way was most effective?
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What were the two sides in the debate over british taxation?

The colonists were being taxed without representation in Parliament, but the British also needed funds for their soldiers to protect the colonists from another Native American rebellion.

What caused the American colonists' break with Great Britain?

Attempts by the British Parliament, with the support of the King, to exercise legislative powers over the colonies, particularly the power to tax, which had not been effectively exercised previously in colonial history. The colonists were used to making their own laws, and setting their own taxes, through their own elected legislatures. Since they had no representation in Parliament, Parliament's claim to be able to legislate and tax then itself, and enforce those laws with officers answerable to it rather than the colonies, meant the colonists would have no effective means of exercising and protecting their rights. Parliament could undo any of their laws and and tax them into utter poverty on a whim. When Parliament would not acknowledge the justice of the colonists grievances, and it became apparent that the king completely supported the parliament, the colonists decided to declare independence. For a more detailed accounting of just what the colonists were concerned about, read the Declaration of Independence, not just the first few lines that everybody memorizes in school, but the whole thing. Jefferson gives a long list of charges against the king and Parliament showing why the king was a tyrant unfit to rule.

Were the American colonists represented in Parliament?

The governor was the head and represented the colonies in England. He was responsible for the major decisions in his colony.

What was the secret organization of American colonists in the 1760s that protested the stamp act as well as the other laws of parliament?

sons of liberty

What democratic traditions were threatened by Parliament's policies?

The democratic traditions that were threatened by Parliament's policies were town meetings, replacing the elected council, and the governor's power over the colonists.

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What did the American colonists want parliament to do?


To what were the American colonists denied admission?

Admission to the British parliament

How did ordinary colonist respond after the wealthy elite had initiated American rebellion?

The wealthy elite initiated the American rebellion. The ordinary colonists responded by turning the elite movement into a mass movement.

Why did the American colonists object to the new British tax laws?

It because of racism practice in taxation system. American Colonists had no representation in Parliament.

Why did whately feel that the american colonists should be willing to pay higher taxes to parliament?

Whately felt that the American colonists should be willing to pay higher taxes to parliament. He thought American's should be happy to pay for the protections Britain had provided to them.

Why shouldn't the American colonists suffer from British taxation in British Parliament?

At this point int time, the colonists and Britain had a vastly different social structure, not to mention other things. Parliament simply did not share the colonists' interests. The colonists wanted to be represented by those who shared their interests, but when Parliament refused (arguing in favor of "virtual representation"), the Revolution ensued.

What did American colonists model their legislature on?

The American colonist model of legislature was patterned after the English Parliament. The primary concern was that the government have a balance of power.

How did ordinary colonists respond after the wealthy elite initiated the American rebellion?

The colonists responded by turning the elite movement of the wealthy into a common movement of the people. The colonists went on to band together to fight the British.

Why did the early American colonists no want to pay taxes to the crown?

The colonists thought that if they had no say in the Parliament, then they should not have to fund it.The Parliament tried 3 different ways to get the colonists to pay the taxes, but the colonists protested, sometimes violently. It got to the point where British troops were deployed to Boston, thus starting the American Revolutionary War.

Who passed the laws that colonists followed?

The American colonies were British and followed British law. British law was passed by the British Parliament.

Why did some American colonists object to paying taxes to Great Britain?

The colonies did not have representation in Parliament

What was the main reason for the protest of taxes and laws imposed on the American colonists?

The Colonist Were Not Represented In Parliament