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Mary Jesus' mother of God to carry His Son.

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Q: In the Bible who where chosen women of God?
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What is the meaning of the biblical term chosen?

The word chosen in the bible means Called by God for his work.

Did God use men or women more in the Bible?

He used man first. (Adam) then Eve. But men were chosen much more often in the Bible. But women were the cause of the men. Jesus with Mary. Samson with his unknown mother. Angel Gabriel. My prediction is that men were chosen more because of what Eve did. And not many people back then would believe a woman.

Is the chosen people another name for the Israelites?

Yes, the chosen people or 'God's chosen people', as said in the Bible, are another name for the Israelites. -S.M.M. ;)

Why does the god of the bible think women are so nasty?

The idea that the God of the Bible thinks women are "nasty" is a misinterpretation. In the Bible, God values women and men equally, as they are both created in God's image. The use of strong language in certain biblical texts may reflect cultural and historical contexts, but it does not imply that God considers women to be inherently negative or inferior.

In the Catholic Bible who was Abraham?

Abraham is an important person in the first part of the Bible. He was chosen by God to seek out the Promised Land.

What does Blessed art thou among women?

It means that of all women, both incarnated and not, Mary is the most blessed, because she was chosen by God, to give birth to his Son.

What does it mean to be the chosen people of god?

According to the Tanach (Hebrew Bible), Jews are the chosen people. In this context, 'chosen' refers to Jews having been chosen to follow the teachings of the Tanach.

Who were the Israelites of the Bible and when were they saved?

The israelites were a Jewish race, of people, they were chosenby god at the time of Moses andas his very own chosen people and were saved .

Who was not born by a woman in the bible?

Adam was not born by a women, but was created by god.

What are main reasons why you read the Bible?

To learn What God wants you to be like and to learn about Jesus and His Chosen People

Is mixing races wrong in the Bible?

Only in Jewish times, because they were anointed God's chosen nation. But in Acts God saying that all are worthy. The Bible is only "against" mixing beliefs.

Who were the Gentile women in genealogy of jesus?

According to Matthew 1:6 of the NIV Student Bible the following five women are named in the genealogy of Jesus.TamarRahabRuthBathshebaMary