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Q: In the DVD box sets of the x-files there are booklets that have episode lists for each season Why are some of the titles in red letters?
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This question was written in 2009 & you want to know what a likely title of Season 4 is? Season 4 aired in 1992-1993. There are no likely titles, just known established titles.

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8th, it was a special two part episode titles "Good-bye, Radar Pt. 1 &2."

What do most of the episode titles on 'Grey's Anatomy' have in common?

They are song titles.

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18 episodes. There are currently 12 episode titles released. Episode 1: LAX Episode 2: LAX (2) Episode 3: What Kate Does Episode 4: The Substitute Episode 5: Lighthouse Episode 6: Sundown Episode 7: Dr. Linus Episode 8: Recon Episode 9: Ab Aeterno Episode 10: The Package Episode 11: Happily Ever After Episode 12: Everybody Loves Hugo

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Do you underline a title of a booklet?

Titles of anothologies should be treated in the same way as the titles of other books, so underline or italicize, depending on what is expected at your school or college.

What is the shortest simpsons episode?

If you are taking about the episode title... there are several one word titles but if you somehow mean the least amount of letters, there's an episode titled HOMR (with the 'R' written backwards)If you mean shortest in length, every episode is usually 20-21 minutes in length when you cut out commercials. If you cut out the opening and closing credits they may be shorter.

How does degrassi get the episode titles?

Songs from '70's or '80's

Where can you download Pokemon season 14?

I'm looking for it too. The only way I found for now is through with utorrent or another torrent client. I searched for the titles of each episode in and then searched for each episode separately. If you find a better way let me know.

Are all of the Degrassi episode titles also the titles of songs?

Most episode tittles are also the titles of '80s songs, as a tribute to the original Degrassi series that started in the '80s. There are a few exceptions, including the episode titled "What's it Feel Like to Be a Ghost?" which was named after a Tacking Back Sunday song since the band makes a special guest appearance on the show.

How many film titles consist of 17 letters?

Shakespeare In Love.

Which word game is played by laying letters titles on a board?

It is called Scrabble.