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In the Spanish language why isn't 'English' used instead of 'inglés'?

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6y ago

España is the Spanish word for Spain. In English, we tend to use English words.

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Q: In the English language why isn't Espana used instead of Spain?
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What language is the word ESPANA?

Spanish Espana is their name for Spain

What does Espana mean in English?

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How do you spell the word English in Spanish?

The word for English is "inglés" for the language or a male. For a female, it's "inglesa."

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"Espana mañana" translates to "Spain tomorrow" in English.

What does espana mean in spanish?

In the Spanish language, the word "espana" translates as the name of a country in western Europe called Spain. It is properly spelled as such: España. The national language in Spain is Spanish.

What does suenos de espana mean in English?

Dreams of Spain.

What does espana-juego mean in English?

It means "Spain-game"

What is the spanish Espana in English?

If you meant España then it means Spain.

What does the domain name es mean?

Spain es is short for espana which is Spain in Spanish language.

Why is Spain abbreviated to ESP?

In Spanish, their country is called España. Thus ESP. Why do we call it Spain in English,when it`s Espana.

How do you say I have been to Spain?

Yo he estado en Espana (I have been in Spain) or, Yo he ido a Espana ( I have gone to Spain).

How do you find where a coin is from?

Usually a coin has the country on it somewhere. You might not be able to read it, because unless it is from an English speaking country, the words on the coin are not in English. For example, Spanish coins say Espana on them, not Spain, because the word Spain is in English, and people in Spain call their country Espana. You can find all the information you need in a coin catalog. Good luck.