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Lol no, you like what you like =D

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Q: In the Twilight books I like Edward But in the movie Does that mean I have to like Rob Patterson?
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Does rob Patterson get removed from twilight?

In the Twilight series, Rob Patterson did not get removed from the cast. He portrayed the character of Edward Cullen in the movie adaptations of the books by Stephenie Meyer.

Is it Robert Pattinson or Patterson who plays Edward in Twilight movie?

Robert Pattinson

Does Bella stay with Edward in Twilight?

Yes, through all the books and eventually the movie.

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Is Robert Patterson engaged?

To the Bella character on the twilight movie, they are claiming no...

In twilight new moon movie is Edward envolved?

Yup! If you've read the books, Edward leaves Bella because he is reminded by Jasper's almost killing her about the danger he constantly puts her in, and it's the same in the movie.

Is edward or Alice Cullen older in the movie twilight?

Edward is older.

Why was Rosalie hale in the movie twilight adopted?

If you read the books , she was found raped and beaten by her fiance . she was turned so she could be edward's love.

Is Edward from twilight British?

According to the Twilight books, Edward Cullen is American and was born in Chicago in 1901. But if you are referring to Robert Pattinson, the actor who plays Edward Cullen in the movies, then yes, he is British. But he has a personal trainer to help him hide his British accent.

Is twilight the most popular movie in the world?

Hate to disappiont but no. There are millions of movies this particula one only really appeals to the younger generation and there are also old movies that are waaaay better than twilight. Twilight was, i know this is a shock, to many people, including me, terrible. Sorry about this revelation but you asked my opinoin. Loved the books hated the movie. :) Team Edward all the way!!!!!!!(Edward fro mthe books)

Will the midnight sun be put into a flim?

No, It would just be twilight again. Because the mojority of the movie, Edward is near, or around Bella. That's why it was a dumb idea to "rewrite" ALL the twilight books into Edward's point of view. Not smart of Stephenie Meyer.

What is the movie twilight adout?

watch the movie and you'll know. watch it at