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Q: In the bible What would not happen to anyone who would partake of such fruit?
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Did the fall of Lucifer create death?

It wasn't the fall of Lucifer that created death. It was the choice of Adam to allow his wife to convince him to partake of the forbidden fruit. The fruit was said by God to have the power to make them know good and evil. Sin was born because of the fruit being partaken of when God said to not partake of it.

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What does fruit represent in the bible?

The word fruit is used symbolically as the word of the Lord. It can also be used in the term "Fruit of thy loins" i.e children. It is also used 250 times in the KJV of the bible.

What typical has to happen before a fruit develops?

Before a fruit develops, pollination has to happen.

Does anyone know where i can watch the aqua teen hunger force episode called bible fruit I've searched everywhere.?

At: They don't show it very often.

How many times is the word fruit in the Bible?

The word "fruit" is in the King James Version of the Bible 208 times. It is in 184 verses.

When did Fruit Ninja happen?

Fruit Ninja happened in 2010.

Has anyone found fruit flied in edible arrangements fruit basket?

As anyone who is a home wine brewer will tell you, over-ripening fruit will soon attract fruit flies. So fruit flies hovering round an edible fruit arrangement is not unusual.

Is locust a fruit in the Bible?

No, it is a type of grasshopper.

When the Bible states to bear fruit what does that mean?

Just as the fruit of an apple tree is apples, the fruit of the Christian is other Christians.

What fruit is mentioned most often in the Bible?

The fig

What was the forbidden fruit of eve?

It actually doesn't say in the bible what fruit it is but people around say a rumor that it is a apple but it's actually not. If you don't believe me then read the bible.