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Pride and Arrogance. He thinks he can handle everything, and he thinks he KNOWS everything.

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Q: In the book A Wrinkle in Time what are Charles Wallace's faults?
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How did meg get to see her father in a wrinkle in time?

by using her faults.

What faults in society does the author point out in A Wrinkle in Time?


What are all megs falts in the book Wrinkle in a Time?

her faults are stubbornness and impatience.

What is the resolution in wrinkle of time?

At the end of A Wrinkle in Time, Charles Wallace is freed, and the three Murrys and Calvin return home.

What is the A wrinkle in time falling action?

the wrinkle in time shows that the witch uses the boy name charles wallace from showing their parts of saving the world

How is Charles Wallace finally freed in the story A Wrinkle in Time?

Charles Wallace's faults are pride and arrogance. He believes that he can deliberately go into IT and come out. So he stares into the eyes of the Prime Coordinator (The Guy with Red Eyes.) He ultimately becomes manipulated by IT.

What is the resolution in 'A Wrinkle in Time'?

At the end of A Wrinkle in Time, Charles Wallace is freed, and the three Murrys and Calvin return home.

What is the resolotion in A Wrinkle in Time?

At the end of A Wrinkle in Time, Charles Wallace is freed, and the three Murrys and Calvin return home.

What is Charles Wallace I do we allow himself to be hypnotized wrinkle in time?


What is the falling action for A Wrinkle in Time?

the wrinkle in time shows that the witch uses the boy name charles wallace from showing their parts of saving the world

What is the planet called in A Wrinkle in Time where Charles Wallace turns evil?


In the book A Wrinkle in Time what did Charles Wallace take in his suitcase?

In the book "A Wrinkle in Time," Charles Wallace takes Mrs. Whatsit, who has transformed into a small creature named Aunt Beast, in his suitcase to protect her and help her heal.