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Q: In the book Animal Farm how does Napoleon order the gun to be fired after the attack?
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What means does Napoleon use to oust Snowball as a rival?

Napoleon convinces the the animals that all the unfortunate instances on Animal Farm were because of Snowball. He propagandized Snowball to be the bad guy and used him as a scapegoat in order to gain control. Napoleon also used the dangerous dogs to intimidate the other farm animals into not questioning him. All in all, Napoleon used power and fear the oust Snowball.

What does Napoleon have the dogs do that shocks and terrifies the animals on Animal Farm?

Napoleon privately rears some puppies that he took away from their mothers when they were young. He trained them to be vicious killing machines - and in chapter 5, he uses them to chase off snowball and to intimidate the other animals in order to gain power.

Why does napoleon order the animals to stop singing beasts of England?

Napoleon basically says that there is no longer a need for the song because the rebellion is over. Really though, Napoleon no longer favors the words to the song. The song speaks to animal freedom and equality, Napoleon wants none of that. Napoleon wants absolute power.

Who do snowball represents in Animal Farm?

In Animal Farm the character Snowball is a pig. Snowball challenges Napoleon in order to achieve power and control of the farm. He is smart and very passionate.

What were Napoleon's goals?

Napoleon Bonaparte's goal in France was to restore order to France after the Revolution.

What was mustard gas used for?

Mustard gas was fired from artillery guns at the enemy trenches in order to kill men or drive them out. A gas attack was usually followed by a massed infantry charge.

Why do the sheep interrupt snowball's speeches in animal farm?

They were instructed to do so by Napoleon in order that Snowballs only capability (being a good speaker) which would assist him in becoming a leader was destroyed

Who was Hitler in Animal Farm?

The entire story of Animal Farm is an allegory to the rise of communism in Soviet Russia. Most often, Napoleon the pig is compared to Josef Stalin, who was the major Soviet leader. But to answer your question, Napoleon could be compared to Hitler in a few aspects. Most evidently, they were both leaders who effectively transformed an entire society of people into believing a tainted ideal, Hitler's ideal being Naziism and Napoleon's being the farm form of communism. In addition, they were both excellent orators. In regards to their actions as leaders, they exiled many (people in Hitler's case, animals in Napoleon's) in order to make a more perfect society. Hitler committed mass genocide in order to create a perfect race. Napoleon exiled Snowball, Boxer, and others in order to make the farming system work better. Also, neither was admitted into art school.

In animal farm how does Napoleon create a leader myth and personality cult?

Napoleon took dogs from their mother when they were just young and secretly trained them to answer his every command and one day he just sent them after poor Snowball. Orwell doesn't tell us if they get him or not but we guess so. After that the dogs help Napoleon to keep order and any one who doesn't listen answers to them.

What did napoleon implement in order to weaken the British?

they trapped them

What important war leader was known as the young napoleon?

Young napoleon important civil war leader is.... OUT OF ORDER! Sorry!

What did napoleon 111 order the french ships to do?

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