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In Fahrenheit 451, Faber meant that Montag was not just searching for physical books, but for the knowledge and ideas within them. Montag was seeking deeper meaning and understanding, not just a collection of printed pages. Faber was emphasizing the importance of the content of books, not just their physical presence.

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Q: In the book Fahrenheit 451 what did Faber mean when he said to Montag No no it's not all the books you're looking for!?
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Why does montag go see Faber Fahrenheit 451?

Montag goes to see Faber in "Fahrenheit 451" because he is seeking guidance and wisdom about books and knowledge. Faber is a retired English professor who shares Montag's belief in the importance of preserving literature and critical thinking. Montag hopes to learn how to understand and interpret the books he has encountered, as well as how to navigate the oppressive society in which they live.

In Fahrenheit 451 who was Faber?

Faber was a retired English professor whom Montag seeks out for guidance and help in understanding books and literature. Faber is knowledgeable about the value of books and helps Montag in his journey to preserve knowledge and fight against censorship in a society that bans and burns books.

Who is the English professor in Fahrenheit 451?

The English professor in Fahrenheit 451 is Faber, a retired professor who helps the protagonist, Montag, understand the significance of books and the importance of critical thinking. Faber becomes a mentor to Montag and guides him on his journey towards understanding and fighting against the oppressive society they live in.

What page did was Faber first introduced in Fahrenheit 451?

Faber is first introduced in Fahrenheit 451 on page 77. He is a former English professor who helps Montag understand the importance of books in a society that bans them.

What does Faber say is missing in Montag's life?

Faber believes that Montag lacks genuine connections with others and a sense of purpose in his life. He sees Montag as being disconnected from his emotions and the world around him, simply going through the motions without truly living.

In Fahrenheit 451 where did montag go after he killed beatty?

After killing Beatty, Montag flees and seeks refuge with a group of intellectuals and rebels who have memorized books in order to preserve their content. He joins them in their mission to pass on the knowledge contained in books to future generations.

Where did Montag run and who did he meet there?

Montag ran to Faber's house, where he met Faber, a retired English professor who becomes an influential ally in his journey towards understanding books and fighting against censorship in Ray Bradbury's novel "Fahrenheit 451."

Why did montag want to see Faber?

Montag wanted to find him cause Faber also read books and wanted help figuring out what they were about.

Why is Faber afraid to answer Montag's questions about books?

Faber is afraid to answer Montag's questions about books because he is worried about the consequences of openly discussing banned literature. He fears being caught and punished by the authorities for possessing illegal books and sharing forbidden knowledge. Faber is cautious and knows the risks associated with defying the government's restrictions on reading and intellectual freedom.

Why did Faber and Montag set up the firemen?

Faber and Montag set up the firemen by planting books in Montag's house and reporting it to the authorities in order to expose the corruption within the system and spark a revolution against censorship and oppression. They wanted to challenge the status quo and restore freedom of thought and expression.

In the book Fahrenheit 451 what did montag want from Faber?

Montag wanted Faber to help him understand the books he had been reading and to guide him on how to stop the suppression of knowledge and promote critical thinking in society. Faber's knowledge and wisdom were crucial for Montag's journey towards enlightenment and resistance against a dystopian regime.

What do Faber and montag talk about?

Faber and Montag discuss the suppression of knowledge, the importance of books, and the role of society in Fahrenheit 451. Faber encourages Montag to take action against the oppressive government and advocates for preserving literature. Their discussions lead Montag to question the status quo and ultimately rebel against the censorship in society.