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They had some cool war machines, and seemed to have creatures that could grow and take over the landscape completely.

Lots of their advantage was biological, but there were combinations of biological and technological that we don't usually see on Earth... like steel Spiders with brains, or heat rays. :) :p

See the related link below for some technological ideas from the story.

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The Martians in "War of the Worlds" possessed advanced technology such as heat rays, tripods for movement, and fighting machines equipped with deadly weaponry. Their technology allowed them to dominate and conquer Earth until they were ultimately defeated by Earthly microbes.

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Q: In the book War of the Worlds what was the technology gained by the martians?
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In H.G. Wells' book "The War of the Worlds," the Martians land on Earth in cylinders fired from a giant cannon. The exact number of Martians that land on Earth is not explicitly stated, but there are multiple tripods, each operated by a group of Martians.

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The War of the Worlds by H.G Wells has accurately 224 pages (but varies by edition). To be more specific, Book One: The Coming of the Martians has 17 chapters, and Book Two: The Earth under the Martians has 10 chapters.

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The most obvious answer to this question would be; The Martians. It is argued that they are the enemy since they invaded planet Earth.

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One example of irony in "The War of the Worlds" is when the Martians, superior beings with advanced technology, are ultimately defeated by Earth's bacteria - something they had never encountered or prepared for. This showcases the irony of how a seemingly insignificant and primitive factor leads to the downfall of a highly advanced civilization.

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In "War of the Worlds" by H.G. Wells, the Martians colonize Earth by invading it with their superior technology, such as tripods and heat rays, which the humans are defenseless against. They use these weapons to destroy cities and decimate the human population, asserting their dominance and claiming Earth for themselves.

What happened to the horse that the narrator borrowed in the book War of the Worlds by HG Wells?

In the book War of the Worlds, the horse the narrator borrowed ultimately becomes too frightened by the Martians and their heat ray, throwing the narrator off and galloping away. The fate of the horse is not explicitly stated in the book.

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In "The War of the Worlds" by H.G. Wells, the Martian fighting machines were constructed on Mars before being transported to Earth. The exact timeline of when the Martians built their war machines is not specified in the book.

Could you give a one paragraph summary of the book war of the worlds?

"War of the Worlds" is a science fiction novel by H.G. Wells that tells the story of a Martian invasion on Earth. The Martians, possessing advanced technology, wreak havoc on humanity, whose defenses are no match for the invaders. The novel explores themes of imperialism, survival, and the fragility of human civilization in the face of a superior force.

Why are martians green?

The first reference to Martians being Green was in the 1912 book, A Princess of Mars, by Edgar Rice Burroughs.

What is the climax of the novel war of the worlds?

The climax of "War of the Worlds" by H.G. Wells occurs when the Martians are finally defeated by Earth's bacteria. The bacteria, which the Martians had no defense against, ultimately leads to their downfall, illustrating the idea that even advanced civilizations can be vulnerable to unseen threats.

What is the exposition of the book The War of the Worlds?

The exposition of "The War of the Worlds" by H.G. Wells sets the scene of late Victorian England as the narrator observes strange astronomical occurrences, particularly the arrival of mysterious cylinders from Mars. This leads to a growing sense of unease and tension as the Martians begin their invasion of Earth.