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At John 2:3-10 it tells us that Jesus was at a wedding and was able to turn water into wine. Truly we can see the power that he has on a small scale. Imagine what he will do in the near future when he comes forth as a Warrior King as brought out in Rev. 19:11-16 and cleanses the earth of all wickedness...

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Q: In the book of John what was the first miracle Jesus preformed?
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What was jesus' 1st miracle?

Jesus first miracle was turning water into wine at a wedding feast. (John 2:1-11)

Where was the place of the first miracle?

Jesus performed his first miracle at a wedding feast in Ca'na of Galilee. (John 2:1-11)

Did Jesus turn water into wine?

Yes. This was the first miracle Jesus did and can be read about in John 2:1-9.

Was the first miracle of Jesus?

A:In John's Gospel, Jesus performed his first miracle of turning water into wine on the third day after his baptism.In the synoptic gospels, Jesus went into the wilderness immediately after his baptism, so was not at the wedding in Cana. In these gospels, his first miracle was to fast for forty days and resist the devil.

What is a bible verse were Jesus turned water into wine?

This was Jesus's first miracle and it is found in John 2:1-11

In what city did Jesus turn the water into wine?

The miracle when Jesus turned water into wine occurred at Cana in Gallilee, near Nazareth. This was the first recorded miracle of Jesus, and took place during a wedding (John 2:1-11).

What was the name of the town Jesus preformed His first mircale at?

This, according to John's gospel, was at a wedding feast where Jesus turned water into wine.It was in the small town of Cana in Galilee.

Who was the first apostle to perform a miracle in the name of Jesus?

Peter and John made a lame man walk.

What was the last miracle Jesus performed?

I believe it was walking on water to John. But when John looked away from Jesus, he sank.AnswerThere is no referece to Jesus nor John 'sinking' in any of the gospels. This is a confusion between John and Peter, who sank after he lost faith.Although John makes it clear that Jesus turning water into wine in a wedding at Cana was his first miracle, there is no specific 'second' miracle mentioned. According to John the next miracles after Cana were 'signs he was performing' [2:23 but no specific miracle is mentioned. Neither can the miracles recorded in the other gospels be assumed to be in chronological order].

In what city did Jesus do his first miracle of turning water to wine?

John 2:11 - This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory; and His disciples believed in Him. [NKJV]

What places did Jesus do miracle?

As Jesus did many miracles, you can find them mainly in the books of Matthew, Mark , Luke and John.

What was the first miracle recorded in the Bible for Jesus?

Technically, every appearance Jesus made after His resurrection would be considered a miracle in and of itself. In this way, the very first miracle would be His appearance to Mary Magdalene in the garden (John 20:11-18). However, since He didn't do anything specifically miraculous in this event, if one wants to use a stricter definition for 'miracle', His appearance to the two men on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35) would be first. Here, He disguises His visage, then reveals His true image, then vanishes; all of which are supernatural actions.