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In the book "Rules" by Cynthia Lord, Jason and Catherine's problem was ultimately solved through open communication, empathy, and understanding. They learned to appreciate each other's differences and strengths, and worked together to find common ground. By respecting each other's perspectives and feelings, they were able to build a genuine friendship.

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Q: In the book rulesHow was the problem solved with Jason and Catherine?
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What is the problem in rules by Cynthia lord?

Catherine's brother David does not understand rules like other kids do. Also, Jason at OT and Catherine become "friends" and Kristi tells Catherine to bring him to the dance! Catherine is embarrassed!!

Where does Catherine meet Jason in Rules?

Catherine meets Jason at a therapy clinic where both their siblings are receiving treatment.

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Did Catherine become friends with Jason in rules by Cynthia lord?

yes Catherine did become friends with Jason in the book Rules by Cynthia Lord

Is catherine a good friend to Jason or kristi in rules by Cynthia lord?

In the book "Rules" by Cynthia Lord, Catherine is a good friend to both Jason and Kristi. She supports and helps Jason communicate through his communication book, and she also helps Kristi understand and accept Jason's behavior. Catherine shows kindness and empathy towards both her friends.

What is the climax of rules book?

when uhhh Catherine goes to the dance with Jason when she's not suppose to. made

In the book rules does catherine og to the dance with Jason?


Who is the most important character in the novel rules by Cynthia rules?

David Jason Catherine and Kristi but the most main one is Catherine.

In the book rules what does Catherine neglect to tell Kristi in the conversation?

Catherine neglects to tell Kristi that Jason is a boy with autism, which she realizes causes some confusion and miscommunication between them.

Who is Jason oranges girlfriend?

Jason Orange is an English singer, known for being a member of the band Take That. His last recorded relationship was with Catherine Tate and ended in 2012.

Does Jason Earles have a growing problem?

yes he does.

What is the lexile for rules by Cynthia lord?

Hey smart one evry think of COUNTING the chapters that would be the smart thing to do so I'm guessing your a little short or slow if ya know what I'm sayin but since you not smart I'll tell ya..22 chapters!! (I got that from counting them!!)