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Melinda connects with Mr. Freeman because he sees her potential and encourages her creativity. He listens to her without judgment and allows her to express herself through her art, creating a safe space for her to heal and grow. Mr. Freeman's unconventional teaching style and genuine care for Melinda help her build trust and confidence in herself.

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Q: In the book speak why does melinda connect with mr freeman so well?
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Who were the main characters in the book Speak?

Melinda Sordino ,andy evans (the guy who raped her) healther, mr freeman

Who is the art teacher Speak?

The art teacher in the book "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson is named Mr. Freeman. He plays a pivotal role in helping the main character, Melinda, find her voice and express herself through her artwork. Mr. Freeman is a supportive and understanding figure in Melinda's life.

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Melinda's teachers' real names in the book Speak are Mr. Neck, Mr. Stetman, and Mr. Freeman.

Who is Mr Freeman in the book Speak?

Mr. Freeman is an art teacher in the book "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson. He is a supportive and understanding figure for the protagonist, Melinda, providing her with a safe space to express herself through her artwork. Mr. Freeman plays a key role in helping Melinda find her voice and heal from trauma.

What trees did Melinda draw in the book Speak?

In the book Speak, Melinda draws a droopy Willow tree.

How could you describe Mr. Freeman in the book Speak?

Mr. Freeman in the book Speak is an art teacher who encourages his students to express themselves through their artwork. He is portrayed as a caring and supportive mentor to the protagonist, Melinda, providing her with a safe space to explore her thoughts and emotions. Mr. Freeman plays a significant role in Melinda's healing process throughout the story.

Who was Melinda's best friend in the book Speak?

Throughout most the book Melinda doesn't have any friends. She is friends with Heather, but it's not a real friendship because Melinda doesn't like her or talks to her and Heather is self centred and ditches Mel once she befriends the popular girls. Melinda misses her old friends, like Rachel and Ivy, who stopped speaking to her because of the incident at the party.

Is mr freeman a round character in the book speak?

In the book "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson, Mr. Freeman is portrayed as a round character. He is a complex and multi-dimensional individual who evolves throughout the story, showing different sides of his personality and ultimately impacting the protagonist, Melinda, in significant ways.

How is Melinda in the book SPEAK?


Who is at detention with Melinda in the book Speak?

In the book "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson, Melinda is in detention with Rachel Bruin. Rachel is one of Melinda's former friends who no longer speaks to her after Melinda called the police at a party over the summer.

What page does it say when Melinda calls the cops from the book speak?

In the book "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson, Melinda calls the cops on page 125. This is a significant moment in the story as it marks Melinda's decision to speak up about what happened to her at the party.

What page does Melinda cut herself in the book Speak?

Melinda cuts herself in the book "Speak" on page 122.