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Not neccessarily, probably just ovulating

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Q: In the first five days you get this weird mucus are you pregnant?
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You missed your period by 3 days and you have watery cervical mucus could you be pregnant?

If you have been sexually active over the past month you could be pregnant. There usually is an increase in cervical mucus when you are pregnant. But to be sure get a home pregnant test at the drugstore.

Can you tell your pregnant after a couple of days?

Of course not!!! I DISAGREE................I know its so weird to say but I know I was ovulating for the last 2 days. I feel a weird sensation in alil cramping...and something on my left side. I feel like i got pregnant.

What if your 17 having lower backaches tiredness weird stomach feelings your period is due in 2 days you had sex 2 days after your ovulating time could you be pregnant?

There is ALWAYS a chance that you can get pregnant after engaging in intercourse ...

If a woman got pregnant during ovulation would she still have ovulation mucus the next day?

Yes. It takes about 3 days to actually get pregnant so it doesn't stop just like that.

What does it mean if you had a light period for 3 days then two days later you got light blood with thick white mucus-gel?

This may mean that you are pregnant. You need to do a pregnancy test.

If you have white mucus with light traces of brown blood in it only for 2 days but not yet your period?

You should go see a dr. You may be pregnant or have an std.

Does your vaginal fluid change when you are pregnant?

Hello - The cervical mucus becomes more consitent and more regular and the amount you lose increases every few days.

You are 37 weeks pregnant and lost your mucus plug now Two days later nausea and cramping is this normall and when could you deliver?

First, you should call your doctor, right now. Second, any baby delivered after 36 weeks is considered full term, so losing your mucus plug at 37 weeks is normal.

What are the chances of pregnancy five days before period?

the chances of being pregnant 5 days before period is very slim- i mean it is 30%. but if it is 5 days after period the chance is very high. 5 days before period your 'fertile mucus are not present in the virgina but 5 days after period the fertile mucus are present or preparing to come depending on the woman's cycle. so the chance is limited.

How long does it feel weird for after braces?

It does feel quite weird for the first couple of days and you cant eat because your mouth is throbbing. But the throbbing and the weird feeling does go away gradually over a few days and whats a few days inconvenience compared to a lifetime of good looking teeth? :D

Can you be pregnant if period is 7 days late with spotting at the beginning of period then menstraul flow comes normal?

Yes, it is possible to be pregnant. WEIRD, but possible still take a pregnancy test to be absolutely sure.

How long before your period do you get mucus?

The snot like mucus is called the cervical mucus. If a woman has a 28 day cycle, then her period will normal start 14 days after the cervical mucus appears.