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Q: In the following sentence which word is the adverb People say that the pastry chef bakes pies perfectly.?
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What is the adverb in the sentence people say that the pastry chef bakes pies perfectly?

they be cheatin

What one is the adverb for chef pastry bakes prefectly?

Perfectly is the adverb in that sentence.

What is adverb form of perfect?

The adverb of perfect is perfectly.An example sentence is: "I will arrange the flowers perfectly".

In the following setentence what question does the adverb away answer?

There is no 'following sentence'.

What is the adverb in the following sentence - He keeps his collection upstairs?

Well an adverb describes a verb, so upstairs is the adverb, and in the sentence it modifies the verb keeps.

What is the adverb in the following sentence-'Vivi Malloy rides her horse daily'?

Daily is the adverb.

What is the type of adverb in the following sentence They waited for a while for the phone to ring?

This is a Phrasal adverb.

What is the adverb in the following sentence John came immediately but Mark arrived late?

"Immediately" is the adverb.

What type of adverb is in the following sentence For a time they hoped that he would come back?

Phrasal adverb

What is the adverb in the sentence People often mistake hares for rabbits?

Often is the adverb in the sentence.

How do you use the word perfectly in a sentence?

Perfectly is an adverb. Reffer to this sentence for example: The picture hung perfectly on the green wall. Perfectly is describing hung. How did the picture hang? Perfectly.

What is the adjective and Adverb in the following sentence I went to the new mall yesterday?

adverb - yesterday adjective - new