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As is popular in many circles, there are those who cannot grasp that there are miracles. Therefore, wishing to believe that the Bible is true yet not willing to admit that there are things that man cannot do, this particular little heresy came about. Quite frankly, this is a new heresy to me, but then I do not pay attention to every little wierd thing that comes down the pike. There have been various heresies from time to time. This comes from "interpreting" the English scriptures. Peter does mention that Paul's teachings are very difficult, but it says nothing about any other writer. Nonetheless, people will twist scripture to fit their preconceptions, not letting scripture twist them into the likeness of the Most High.

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Q: In the loaves fishes miracle recorded in the Gospels where did the teaching originate that this was merely a loving and spontaneous gesture of sharing their catch on the part of the 5 thousand?
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