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There are 7 tornadoes in the movie. In order they are:

1. The F5 of the opening scene.

2. The tornado of the first chase, which destroys Jo's truck.

3/4. The F2/F3 that splits into two tornadoes and briefly envelopes Bill's truck.

5. The F3 that is show throwing debris and destroys the second Dorothy probe.

6. The F4 that destroys the drive-in theater and the town of Wakita.

7. The F5 of the end climax.

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Q: In the movie twister how many tornado's did the movie have including the beginning part of the movie's first F5 tornado?
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No. Twister is just an informal word for a tornado.

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Another name for a tornado is a twister.

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No, twister is just an informal name for a tornado.

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Yes. Twister is just an informal word for tornado.

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No. Twister is just another word for a tornado.