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Q: In the name Ursus maritimus the first term of the name refers to the species?
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What does the polar bear's Latin name Ursus maritimus mean?

The Name "Ursus maritimus" is the scientific name for the Polar Bear The full classification is as follows: # Domain: Eukarya # Kingdom: Animalia # Phylum: Chardata # Class: Mammalia # Order: Carnivora # Family: Ursidae # Genus: Ursus # Species Ursus maritimus The name "Ursus maritimus" is Latin for maritime bear, and was first used by Phipps, because of the bears native ocean/shore habitat. For more details see sites listed below. The scientific name for the Sun Bear is "Helarctos malayanus".

How many species of Polar Bear are left?

There is one species of Polar Bear, or (Ursus maritimus). In the past, before they were fully studied and researched, there was some confusion as to the number of subspecies. In 1774 when the Polar Bear was first identified, it was considered two subspecies. The first to be documented was named (Ursus maritimus maritimus) by Constance Phipps. The second was named (Ursus maritimus marinus) by Peter Pallas in 1776. Both of these subspecies were later invalidated. Also fossil history leaves a clue about Polar Bears, the (Ursus maritimus tyrannus) was a subspecies that was much larger than Polar Bears of today. These Polar Bears passed into extinction, about 100,000 years ago, sometime in the Pleistocene. For more details, please see the sites listed below.

What bear is called the lord of arctic?

The polar bear, Ursus Maritimus. First cousin to the brown bear.

What bear is called ''The Lord of the Arctic''?

The polar bear, Ursus Maritimus. First cousin to the brown bear.

What information do you know about the polar bear from its scientific name?

The scientific name of the polar bear is Ursus maritimus. This species is known for its adaptation to cold environments, living primarily in the Arctic region. Polar bears are the world's largest land carnivores and are considered marine mammals due to their reliance on sea ice for hunting seals.

How is a scientific name written?

A scientific name is typically written in Latin and consists of two parts: the genus name capitalized and the species name in lowercase, both italicized or underlined. For example, humans are referred to as Homo sapiens.

Who named the polar bears?

Ursus maritimus is the scientific name for the polar bear. It means sea bear in Latin. Commander C.J. Phipps, an officer in the British navy and author of A Voyage towards the North Pole used this name for the first time in 1774. Polar bears are only called polar bears in English culture. They have many other names in other cultures.

What is the second part of the scientific name?

The second part of a scientific name is the species name, which often describes a specific characteristic of the organism. It is written in lowercase and follows the genus name.

Can a narwhal kill a shark?

Yes, sharks can eat narwhals if their paths ever should cross. They're known to go after just about anything that gets their attention. In fact, it may be said that they're known to bite first and ask questions afterwards. For example, they bite humans, decide that they don't like human body parts, and spit them back out. But the main predators, the main threats to narwhals are hunters, killer whales [Orcinus orca], and polar bears [Ursus maritimus].

What are two parts of a scientific name?

The first part of the scientific name is the genus name. The second part is the species name. If there is a third part, it refers to the subspecies name.Here's an example:Canis lupus familiaris"Canis" is the name of the genus that the domestic dog belongs to, along with wolves and coyotes. "lupus" refers to the species within the Canis genus that wolves and domestic dogs belong to. "familiaris" refers to the subspecies that only domestic dogs, and not wolves, belong to. Note that only the genus name in a scientific name starts with a capital letter.

What is the capitalized element of an organism's name?

The capitalized element in an organism's name typically refers to the genus, which is the first part of the organism's scientific name. It is always capitalized, while the species name is not. The scientific name of an organism follows the format: Genus species.

What part of the scientific name is always capitalized?

The genus name is always capitalized in a scientific name.