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There is one species of Polar Bear, or (Ursus maritimus). In the past, before they were fully studied and researched, there was some confusion as to the number of subspecies. In 1774 when the Polar Bear was first identified, it was considered two subspecies. The first to be documented was named (Ursus maritimus maritimus) by Constance Phipps. The second was named (Ursus maritimus marinus) by Peter Pallas in 1776. Both of these subspecies were later invalidated. Also fossil history leaves a clue about Polar Bears, the (Ursus maritimus tyrannus) was a subspecies that was much larger than Polar Bears of today. These Polar Bears passed into extinction, about 100,000 years ago, sometime in the Pleistocene. For more details, please see the sites listed below.

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None they have all been killed of by global warming

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Q: How many species of Polar Bear are left?
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How many polar bare are left?

you spelled bear wrong

How many predators does a polar bear have?

There is only one species that hunts polar bears, and that is man.

How many species of bears are there?

There are eight species of bears: the brown bear (also called grizzly or Kodiak bear), American black bear, Asiatic black bear, spectacled bear, Malayan sun bear, polar bear, sloth bear and Giant Panda bear .There are three subfamilies of bears: Ailuropodinae, Tremarctinae, and Ursinae. There are 30 species of bears.There are eight full species.

How many bears are there in the world?

There are 8 species of bears:Brown bear Polar bear American black bear Asian black bear Spectacled bear Sloth Bear Sun Bear Panda bear

What 4 bears can be found in North America?

The four species of bears found in North America are the Polar Bear, Brown Bear, Grizzley Bear and Black Bear. The Grizzley and Brown bear are generally considered the same species.

Are bears save?

Yes, many bear species are being studied, most notably the polar bear, because of its threatened or vulnerable status.

Who is stronger polar bears or brown bears?

Because they naturally occupy very distant ranges, they will never meet. However, the polar bear is leaner and often swims many miles during the spring melt.

Are scientists saving bears?

Yes, many bear species are being studied, most notably the polar bear, because of its threatened or vulnerable status.

How many species of polar bear?

There is but one species, Thalarctos (or Ursus) Maritimus. Scientists debate over whether or not there is more than one subspecies.

How many aquatic species are there in the antarctic?

ther is the penguin the polar bear and the seal also there is the arctic fox but that's a mammal

How many ursus maritius are left?

Do you mean Ursus Maritimus, as in the Polar Bear? If so about 20,000 in the wild.

What is the scientific name of a polar bear?

loeisetr poertaiusThe Polar bear is Thalarctos Maritimus.