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Autumnal Equinox

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Q: In the northern hemisphere what occurs on september 22 or 23?
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Related questions

When does the fall equinox occur in the northern hemisphere?

September 22

When does the northern hemisphere have summer and the southern hemisphere have winter?

Nominally from June 21 until September 21 or 22, the northern hemisphere is in summer, whereas the southern hemisphere is in winter.

What is autumal eqiuax?

The equinox in autumn, on about September 22 in the northern hemisphere and March 20 in the southern hemisphere.

In what month is the autumnal equinox in the western hemisphere?

It occurs in March, currently on March 20 each year. (the same date is the "vernal equinox" in the Northern Hemisphere)

What season is month of August?

In the northern hemisphere August is in summer which lasts from 22 June through to 22 September

What is the date for Ostara in 2010?

Ostara celebrates the Spring Equinox. In the northern hemisphere, it will be on March 20 and in the southern hemisphere it will be on September 22.

When does the vernal equinox take place?

On March 20 for the Northern Hemisphere (this is the autumnal equinox in the Southern Hemisphere). The vernal equinox for the Southern Hemisphere will be either September 22 or 23.

What event on September 22 marked the first day of fall when day and night were about the same length?

From around 20 March to around 22 September, the sun is directly over the northern hemisphere. From around 22 September to around 20 March, the sun is directly over the southern hemisphere.

When does fall 2013 begin in the US?

Northern Hemisphere: Fall - Autumn begins 2013 Sunday, September 22

When does autumn begin in Vancouver bc?

The Autumnal equinox for the Northern Hemisphere officially begins on September 22, 2016.

What is the Fall equivalent to the Spring Equinox?

Spring equinox occurs around March 20 and Fall equinox occurs around September 22 for the Northern Hemisphere. For the Southern Hemisphere these dates are opposite; the Spring equinox is around September 22 and the Fall equinox occurs around March 20.

Which will occur in December an Equinox or Solstice?

In all parts of the world, in December and July occur soltices and in march and September, equinoxes.