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Q: In the outsiders What is the inciting incident and climax in the novel?
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What is the inciting force of the novel theatre?

it is similar to the climax of the story

What is the inciting incident in the novel New Moon?

When jasper attacks Bella or when Edward leaves Bella

What plot is inciting incident i a tale of two cities?

The inciting incident in "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens is the return of Charles Darnay to Paris. Darnay's return sets off a chain of events that eventually leads to the outbreak of the French Revolution and the fates of the novel's characters becoming intertwined.

What is the significance of the great white whale in Moby Dick?

The great white whale, Moby Dick, symbolizes nature's power and unpredictability, representing the ultimate challenge and obsession for Captain Ahab. It also embodies themes of revenge, fate, and the destructive forces of obsession in Herman Melville's novel.

Where does an inciding incident in a plot come from?

An inciting incident in a plot typically arises from a specific event or action that sets the main story in motion. It is designed to grab the audience's attention and kickstart the central conflict of the narrative. This event often introduces the main characters and their objectives, propelling the story forward.

Where is the climax in the book Brave New world?

The climax in the book "Brave New World" occurs when John the Savage rebels against the World State, inciting a riot at the hospital where his mother, Linda, is dying. This moment marks the culmination of the conflict between the individual and the oppressive society depicted in the novel.

What is climax of Inkspell novel?

the climax is that cloud-dancer dies

Who are the preps in the novel the outsiders?

the socs

What is the theme of the alchemist by Paolo Coelho?

Dreams are central to The Alchemist's action as well as its meaning. Santiago's dream is the novel's inciting incident (the event that sets the story in motion), and the author's primary message seems to be that we should follow our dreams.

How long is The Outsiders?

The Outsiders novel is approximately 180 pages long. Your welcome ☺

What does rising and falling action mean in a book plot?

Rising action is the part of the story which lead to the climax. It's the development of the story. Falling action is the part of the story when things are settling down at the movie/book/novel/etc. is coming to an end. It takes place after the climax.

How old was ponyboy outsiders novel?

He was 14