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Q: In the roman Catholic church a diplomat rep of the holy see?
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Did the creed used by the Methodist Church have believe in the holy Roman catholic church and when?

the "holy catholic [i.e., universal] church" - there is no reference to Roman

When was Holy Cross Lithuanian Roman Catholic Church created?

Holy Cross Lithuanian Roman Catholic Church was created in 1965.

What is title of the Roman Catholic Church?

The correct name of the popularly called Catholic Church is The Holy Roman Church. The word "Catholic" is not a part of its official name.

Who founded the holy roman and apostolic church?

Catholics believe that Jesus Christ founded the Catholic Church, and that this Church is one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.

What is another word for Roman Catholic church?

Holy See

Can a child baptized in the Ukrainian Catholic Church go to a Roman Catholic School?

The Ukrainian Catholic Church is in union with the Holy Father and the Roman Catholic Church, so there should be no problem at all with a child baptized in that rite of the Church attending a Roman Catholic school.

How is women's holy orders celebrated in the Catholic Church?

Roman Catholic AnswerThere is no such thing as "women's holy orders".

Is it Holy Catholic Church or Roman Catholic Church?

Catholic AnswerIt depends on whom you are talking to. The Church has many names for various reasons, the Creed refers to her as "One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic". Nowhere does the Church refer to herself as "Roman" that is an appellation that has been attached since the protestant revolt. The Church has been called "Catholic" which means "universal" almost from the beginning. Holy Catholic Church is appropriate for most things.

What did the Roman Church and Orthodox Church become after they split?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe Catholic Church remained the Catholic Church. It cannot "become" anything else, as Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to guide it until the end of time. It will remain His Body, it will remain One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. The Orthodox Church became schismatic (they are in schism from the Catholic Church).

Who are the popes main followers?

The cardinals,after all they are princes of the Holy Roman Catholic Church(not actual princes,it's just a title.)and the Pope is the Holy father(also a title.)

What is home of the roman Catholic church?

"The Holy See" at the Vatican in Rome, Italy

The name of the church in the west?

Holy Name Church in West Roxbury is a Roman Catholic church of the Archdiocese of Boston.