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In the second half of the book the fate of the Kiowa tribe seems to descend. They fall on hard times.

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Q: In the second half of the book the fate of the Kiowa tribe seems to?
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Which best describes the structure of the way to rainy mountain?

"The Way to Rainy Mountain" has a tripartite structure. It is divided into three main sections: the first section focuses on the Kiowa tribe's migration and history, the second section presents the traditional stories and legends of the Kiowa people, and the third section discusses the author's personal reflections and reminiscences of his own Kiowa heritage. This structure reflects the interweaving of historical, cultural, and personal narratives throughout the book.

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N. Scott Momaday's background as a member of the Kiowa tribe influenced his writing of The Way to Rainy Mountain by allowing him to infuse his personal experiences, cultural knowledge, and storytelling traditions into the narrative. His intimate connection to Kiowa history and oral traditions helped shape the lyrical and evocative style of the book, presenting a unique perspective of Kiowa culture that resonates with authenticity and depth.

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Spoken of in reverential or sacred terms in this half of the book and contributed to the Kiowa identity?

all of the above

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How did N Scott Momaday's background as a member of the Kiowa tribe affect the way he wrote The Way to Rainy Mountain?

N. Scott Momaday's background as a member of the Kiowa tribe influenced his writing in "The Way to Rainy Mountain" by infusing the text with Kiowa oral traditions and storytelling techniques. His deep understanding of Kiowa culture and history enabled him to weave traditional stories and language into the narrative, creating a rich and authentic portrayal of his heritage. Additionally, Momaday's personal connection to the land and people of Rainy Mountain shines through in his lyrical prose, reflecting a profound sense of belonging and reverence for his ancestral homeland.

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