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You would use a semi colon.

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4d ago

In the sentence "please be quiet; you are being too noisy," you would use a semicolon to separate the two independent clauses.

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Q: In the sentence please be quiet you are being too noisy would you use a comma or a semi colon between quiet and you?
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Related questions

When to put a colon in sentence?

A colon instead of a semicolon may be used between independent clauses when the second sentence explains, illustrates, paraphrases, or expands on the first sentence. Example: He got what he worked for: he really earned that promotion.

If a semi-colon is added to a sentence does it count as one or two sentences?

A semi-colon indicates a stronger connection between two independent clauses than a comma alone. In terms of sentence structure, it is still considered one sentence when a semi-colon is used.

Do you capitalize a sentence fragment following a colon?

You should not capitalize a sentence fragment following a colon.

Should the first word of a bullet be capitalized if it follows a colon?

Capitalization and punctuation are optional when using single words or phrases in bulleted form. If each bullet or numbered point is a complete sentence, capitalize the first word and end each sentence with proper ending punctuation. The rule of thumb is to be consistent. Use a colon instead of a semicolon between two sentences when the second sentence explains or illustrates the first sentence and no coordinating conjunction is being used to connect the sentences. If only one sentence follows the colon, do not capitalize the first word of the new sentence. If two or more sentences follow the colon, capitalize the first word of each sentence following.

Can someone please use a colon in a sentence?

This is what you need to do: study the report, make your presentation, and listen respectfully to any comments or suggestions.

How are colons used?

A colon may be used between independent clauses when the second sentence explains, illustrates, paraphrases, or expands on the first sentence.

What is a sentence for colon?

Colon is actually punctuation mark which indicates something. It is ":". If you really want a sentence with the word, "He lost a mark because he used the semi-colon instead of a colon." Also, according to biology, colon is the main part of the large intestine.

When using a colon as punctuation in a sentence how many times do you space after it?

You use one space after a colon or semi-colon.

When could you use a semi-colon in a compound sentence?

You use the semi-colon when each part of the sentence is a complete thought and could actually be broken into a sentence of its own.

What are the four examples to correcting a run on sentence?

Create 2 sentences. Comma and a coordinating conjunction. Semi colon between 2 independent clauses. Semi colon, conjunctive (?) adverb and a comma.

How do i ask a question to vetty?

Do a full stop. Then write in your answer. on the screen it will be coming up with vetty, please answer: or vetty please answer the following:. when you have done your answer, do a full stop. carry on the sentence so that it is vetty, please answer: or vetty, please answer the following: but you must not use capitals, put the space before the comma, or not use a colon. when you have put in a colon (:) it will go onto question. type in question and put in question mark(?).

What can a colon do?

A colon causes a pause in a sentence. I hope that was simple enough for ya.... sarcasum intended.