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Q: In the song Twelve days of Christmas how many drummers were drumming?
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How many drummers drumming are there in the twelve days of Christmas?

It is 12 drummers drumming

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twelve drummers drumming

In the song Twelve Days of Christmas what is given on the twelfth?

12 Drummers drumming

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eleven drummers drumming

In the song the twelve days of Christmas what was received on the twelfth day?

12 drummers drumming

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12 drummers drumming 12 drummers drumming

How much would the twelve days of Christmas cost in today's economy?

Buying each item in the song just once - from a partridge in a pear tree to a dozen drummers drumming - will cost you $18,920

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If its Family Feud driven, here's some: Dishes Soda Beer Socks Donuts Eggs Roses Jury members Apostles Disciples Days of Christmas Months Drummers drumming

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2 Little Ducks (Bingo Call For 22)

What are all the gifts in "The Twelve Days of Christmas" song?

In the Christmas song, "The 12 Days of Christmas", the gifts are: A partridge in a pear tree, Two turtle doves, Three french hens, Four calling birds, Five gold rings, Six geese a-laying Seven swans a-swimming, Eight maids a-milking, Nine ladies dancing, Ten lords a-leaping, Eleven pipers piping, Twelve drummers drumming.

How many pipers are in the song the 12 days of Christmas?

In that song, there are eleven pipers piping.11

What are the gifts in the song the twelve days of Christmas?

The gifts in the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas" are: a partridge in a pear tree, two turtle doves, three French hens, four calling birds, five golden rings, six geese a-laying, seven swans a-swimming, eight maids a-milking, nine ladies dancing, ten lords a-leaping, eleven pipers piping, and twelve drummers drumming.