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In Michigan they are not personally responsible for the debt. The estate has to pay off the debts. If the estate cannot do so, they distribute as best they can. If the court approves the distribution, the debts are ended.

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Q: In the state of Michigan is the executor responsible for the bills of the deceased parents?
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The executor of the estate is responsible. They are required to file a tax return for the deceased. It may be a good idea to consult a tax attorney before doing this.

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In the state of Illinois, if a person whose parents are deceased has been named executor of their estate, yes, all of their financial information will be given to the living executor upon request.

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If your grandmother is still living, you can't. If she is deceased, the executor of the will is required to notify you if you are in the will. If there is no will, and your parents are deceased, then you should contact the probate court and/or executor.

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In no state are they responsible to do it with their own money. If you are the executor of the estate, yes, insomuch as there are assets to pay them with. If the debts exceed the assets, there are some people who will not get paid, including the beneficiaries.

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yes he/she is allowed

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No, the executor is responsible to insure the estate is taken care of. Them means either selling the house or paying off the mortgage. One way or another the debts have to be resolved before the estate is closed.

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No, the executor is responsible for carrying out the decedent's wishes as spelled out in the will, but the will itself cannot be changed.

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The children are not directly responsible. If you are the executor of the estate, yes, insomuch as there are assets to pay them with. If the debts exceed the assets, there are some people who will not get paid, including the beneficiaries.

Can children collect on money that was owed to their parents that died?

If your parents have left a will then it is the responsibility of the executor of the will to pay all of the deceased persons debts and also to collect any monies owed to the deceased person.

Are the parents of a deceased adult child with no estate responsible for paying unpaid debt?

No, if they were not joint debtor's with the deceased they are not responsible for any of his or her debts.