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He loves Rosaline, but Rosaline does not love him.

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Lord Montague.

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Q: In the story of romeo and Juliet who tells benvolio that he has been concerned about Romeo's habits?
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Who wrote Habits of the Heart?

The authors of the book Habits of the Heart are Ann Swidler, William M Sullivan, Steven M Tipton, Richard Madsen, and Robert Neelly Bellah.

What has the author Hasani Pettiford written?

Hasani Pettiford has written: 'The 12 Habits of Healthy People'

What did A G Gardiner write on Habits?

The London newspaper editor A.G.Gardiner once wrote an interesting article on how useful or troublesome habits can be to a man. His argument is that helpful habits can be cultivated. He usually spent long hours with a pencil in his hand. The pencil had become a part of his organism. Pencil promoted his thoughts. It became his favourite weapon with which he wrote fluently. A pencil was as stimulating to him as his sword was to Artagnan, the fighting hero in the novel, or as his cheroot was to Grant, the U.S.President. One morning Gardiner tried writing an article without a pencil, but with a pen. His mental mechanism failed and the pen won't move. He had thought his pen would jump like a horse but it remained as obstinate as a mule. However hard he tried, the pen could not be moved. He thought he was Stevenson in the story riding his mule Modestine which would not move. The habit of using a pencil had become such strong in him that a pen became of no use to him. Habits can cause failure in life as well as success. Gardiner cites a cruel joke played by Walter Scott on a classmate. The boy was First in the class whom Scott rivalled. The boy always answered questions fingering a button on his jacket. Scott cleverly removed this button and the boy became a failure not only in the class but later in his life also. This poor fellow early took to drinking and died of consumption. Most of us are bundles of habits neatly done up in a coat and trousers. But habits should be a stick that we use, not a crutch to lean on. Bad habits should be thrown away and good habits cultivated. Gardiner had a problem of finding his coat and hat when he left his club. So he cultivated the habit of hanging them always in a particular peg or the one nearest to it. It worked and solved his problem.

Was William Shakespeare alchoholic?

We don't know anything about Shakespeare's drinking habits, so although it is possible, we have no reason to think that he was alcoholic.

What does mannnerism mean in drama?

A mannerism in drama is an odd or repetitive trait your character has. A example would be twirling my hair if i were a teenage girl. These are also known as habits. Hope it helps!

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What can be track maria's web browsing habits?

It is unethical and potentially illegal to track someone's web browsing habits without their consent. Respect for privacy and boundaries should be maintained in all interactions, both online and offline. If you are concerned about someone's online behavior, it is best to communicate openly and address any issues directly.

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Sunflowers don't have habits. People have habits.

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Good habits are habits that aren't harmful to you. Good habits include brushing your teeth and being kind to other people.

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What is the moral significance of habits?

Moral habits are those habits which shows yours morality or yours etiquette.Moral habits are always impress to others who expect good enough from you.