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Q: In the term trace element the modifier trace means that?
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What is constituent element?

The term means an element, such as carbon or oxygen, is found in a compound or in an environment.

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Is the the term 'paper-like' a hyphenated modifier?

Yes it is.

What is meant by the term bromo?

Bromo means that the substance contains the element bromine.

What does oxygen means in science term?

It is a chemical element with atomic number 8.

Which term is given to a substance that can not separate into less complex substance by chemical means?

an element

Are atoms in an element?

Absolutely. The term "element" in science basically means "a grouping of the SAME kind of atom," meaning in gold you will only have gold atoms.

What is the term for a substance that cannot be broken down into any other substances by chemical or physical means?

An element!

Who coined the term element?

Niels Bohr coined the term "element."

In Shape- and Position tolerances what does the term reference element mean?

In Shape- and Position tolerances what does the term reference element means a special element on which the elmentary computations (integrals) are performed. For instance, the reference segment in GetFEM++ is the segment [0,1]. The reference triangle is the triangle (0,0), (0,1), (1,0).

What is metal element?

Metal is not an element. It is a term used to classify an element, but it is not an element.

What is the term for a trace of a dead organism such as an imprint in a rock?
