

In this day why would someone still believe in a God?

Updated: 11/10/2020
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7y ago

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Even today, there are people who still believe in God. This can bed because they follow their parents in that belief, or because they feel the need for someone to worship, or the existence of a God means that difficult decisions are taken out of their hands.

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For those willing to look, there are plenty of things which point to God, and reasons for believing in Him.

See also:

Is there evidence for Creation?

Can you show that God exists?

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If someone decides not to believe or believe that there is not a God, then that is their choice - why the need to call them anything - live and let live.

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Q: In this day why would someone still believe in a God?
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If someone decides not to believe that there is not a God, then that is their choice - why the need to call them anything - live and let live.

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A:Many Christians do believe this. How could God be mad at someone for seeking to know the truth about our origins?

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A person who does not believe in god is called a "Athiest"

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someone who doesnt believe theres a God is called and Athiest

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If someone decides not to believe that there is not a God, then that is their choice - why the need to call them anything - live and let live.

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Heck yea God is real. Maby we have no visual proof, but if you don't believe that then what else would you believe because we didn't magically appear. Someone or something made us and that someone or something is GOD!!!!! Noone would lie about being created God created us and that's final