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You may file a motion to terminate support, or redirect support to someone other than your ex.

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Q: In tn you have to pay child support until he turns 18 or graduates what if he moves out at 18 with someone else do i still pay support to my ex?
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If the father of your kids moves in does he still have to pay child support?

If the father of your kids moves in does he still have to pay child support?

When a child moves out and then back in do you begin to pay child support again?

Yes, is that child under 18? Then, you owe child support.

What are the rules if the child you pay support on moves in with boyfriend?

You still have to support her until she is emancipated or the law or child support agreement says stop.

Have to pay child support if your child moves out of province?

I'm not familiar with Canadian law, but moving the child out of state in the US would not terminate support.

Does a legal guardian have to pay child support to a 19 year old if that child moves out?

Because they are not the child's parents, guardians are not required to pay support.

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How do you collect child support if non custodial parent moves out of state?

Child Support Enforcement will an interstate action under the UIFSA.

Does a father who lives in Germany have to pay child support for his child who lives in the US?

When a parent moves to Germany, and has children in the United States, he does have to pay child support. If he is evading child support; Germany will demand he continues to pay support.

If a child is 18 and moves in with noncustodial parent does the custodial parent have to provide child support?

Generally, no.

Can your child support be reduced if the custodial parent moves back in with her parents?


What if a child moves in with grandmother is child support still owed to mother?

No, child support is only owed to the custodial parent/guardian. If the grandmother has become the custodial guardian, child support will be owed to her, instead of the mother.

If you pay child support and the other person moves out of state with the kids do you have to continue payingchild support?
