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Atticus' defense strategy after Mayella's testimony in "To Kill a Mockingbird" was to establish inconsistencies in her story through detailed questioning and to show that her injuries were likely not caused by the accused, Tom Robinson, but potentially by someone left-handed like her father, Bob Ewell. Atticus aimed to challenge the credibility of the prosecution's case and to raise doubts about Tom's guilt in the jury's minds.

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Q: In to kill a mockingbird what was the defense strategy after mayella gave her testimony?
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What side of the face was Mayella mainly beaten on?

Mayella Ewell was primarily beaten on the right side of her face according to her testimony in the trial in Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird."

What is essence of mayella's testimony?

Mayella's testimony in "To Kill a Mockingbird" revolves around her accusing Tom Robinson of assaulting her. She claims he was responsible for the attack while her father, Bob Ewell, abuses her at home. This highlights the social dynamics and prejudices within the town, portraying the injustices faced by both Mayella and Tom due to deeply ingrained racism.

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Mayella's full name is Mayella Ewell in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.

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No, Mayella Ewell is 19-and-a-half-years-old in To Kill a Mockingbird.

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The third witness called to the stand in "To Kill a Mockingbird" is Mayella Ewell. She is a key character in the trial of Tom Robinson, providing important testimony that shapes the outcome of the case.

What is mr ewells testimony?

Mr. Ewell's testimony in Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" is his claim that Tom Robinson, a black man, raped his daughter Mayella Ewell. However, it is later revealed that his testimony is false and that he actually abused his daughter himself.

What dramatic fact do we learn about tom Robinson at the end of mayellas testimony?

At the end of Mayella's testimony, we learn the dramatic fact that Tom Robinson, the defendant, is left-handed. This fact becomes significant later on in the trial as it contradicts the way Mayella claimed she was attacked and provides crucial evidence for the defense.

What chapter of To Kill A Mockingbird did Mr. Ewell share his side of the story in court?

Mr. Ewell shared his side of the story in Chapter 17 of "To Kill a Mockingbird." In his testimony, he claimed that he saw Tom Robinson assaulting his daughter Mayella.

Where is mayella's mother in the book to kill a mockingbird?

Mayella's mother is not present in the book "To Kill a Mockingbird." She is not mentioned or discussed as a character.

What page is Mayella Ewell introduced in 'to kill mockingbird'?

Mayella Ewell is introduced in Chapter 17 of 'To Kill a Mockingbird' by Harper Lee.

Does mayella seem like a good witness?

Mayella Ewell in "To Kill a Mockingbird" is not portrayed as a reliable witness due to her inconsistencies in her testimony and her obvious bias. She is vulnerable and manipulated by her father, Bob Ewell, and her own actions during the trial suggest she is not being truthful.

What is revealed at sheriff heck tates testimony?

During Sheriff Tate's testimony in "To Kill a Mockingbird," he reveals that Bob Ewell fell on his knife and died during the confrontation with Boo Radley. Tate conceals the fact that Boo Radley actually killed Bob Ewell in self-defense to protect Scout and Jem.