

In toon town how do you be friends to a cog?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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i play toon town and... U DONT

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Q: In toon town how do you be friends to a cog?
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How do you make a cog for toon town central?

You have to do a certain mission to unlock the head, then you beat the cog bosses which are like lvl 60 so you should bring lots of friends, but only sometimes do you unlock the parts of the body of the cog.

Can you be a cog in toon town?

No, you can not be a cog. You can only be a toon who defeats cogs. but you can dress up like one! Get all the suit parts and head to the CFO or CEO or CJ or VP and you will be dressed like a cog for like half a minuette

Who is the boss cog on toon town?

The CEO he is the head boss bot and boss bots are the head cogs

How do you make a building in toon town?

Its not possible for a toon to make a building but cogs can make buildings. They just walk in and down falls a building, they usually occar during cog invasions.

What is toon town?

Toontown is a website that is fictional. There are evil robots called cogs to fight, there are trolley games, gags (materials ,pie and squirt and more, to fight cogs with), clothing, fishing, cog HQ's, gag gardens, different neighborhoods, laugh points, parties, cog invasions, your own home, friends, pets, and more stuff! Its a free website to play on but to have as much fun ever discovered you need to become a member. The website is:, so join in! TOON TOWN RATED:E FOR EVERYONE! ARE YOU TOON ENOUGH?

Can cogs laugh on toontown?

Yes, but only when a toon does a cog miss SOS toon.

Which is the weakest cog on toontown?

A Flunky. This is a Bossbot Cog. Flunkys are the easiest because they are in your Toon-torial and Toontown wanted to show you an easy start with the weakest Cog.

How do you become a power toon on toontown?

Defete many Cog buildings.

How do you make a cog not a toon from Disney toontown online?

You can not. It is entirely impossible.

Where do you find cold callers in toontown?

Cold Callers are easy to find. I find them in toon town central. The best way to find out if a cold caller is in the area you need to go into your cog gallery and click the symbol it will then show if any are in the area. ALSO please enjoy toon town! :)

Is toon town safe?

yes toon town is safe

Where does Roger Rabbit live?

"Toon Town" .