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Q: In typical Hemingway style the excerpt?
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I’m typical Hemingway style, the excerpt?


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Which sentences in this excerpt from Ernest Hemingway's In Another Country reflect the theme of the psychological alienation caused by war?

Please provide the excerpt from Ernest Hemingway's In Another Country so I can help you identify the sentences that reflect the theme of psychological alienation caused by war.

How is Hemingway's love for sports represented in this excerpt?

Well, Hemingway incorperates his love for sports into the story by talking about his favorite sports. Football and Boxing are mentioned in the story at least 3 time

Who had a profound influence on Hemingway's style?

Gertrude Stein and Ezra Pound

Who had profounded influence on Hemingway's style?

Gertrude Stein and Ezra Pound

Apex learning what is the style of this excerpt from Serena Lawrence's cover letter?

The style of the excerpt from Serena Lawrence's cover letter would depend on the content provided in the excerpt. Common styles in cover letters include professional, informative, persuasive, and concise.

On this side there was no shade and no trees and the station was between two lines of rails in the sun This excerpt from Hills Like White Elephants illustrates which element of Hemingway's style?

This excerpt demonstrates Hemingway's use of sparse and factual language, as well as his focus on the physical environment to convey deeper themes in the story. The lack of description of characters' emotions or thoughts forces the reader to infer meaning from the setting and dialogue. It also emphasizes a sense of isolation and tension between the characters.

Gilgamesh a new English version which feature of epic poetry does this excerpt most clearly show?

The excerpt from "Gilgamesh: A New English Version" most clearly showcases the characteristic of grandeur found in epic poetry, as it portrays larger-than-life events and heroes in a majestic and impressive style typical of the genre.

What is the style of this excerpt from paul f Covington's cover letter?


What is the style of this excerpt from Paul F. Covington's cover letter?


Who were the two writers that had the most influence on the development of Hemingway's style?

Gertrude Stein and Ezra Pound